SSgt Nathan William 6700827 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Does anyone have details on the intake process for prior service? I recently re-enlisted in the Reserves, took the oath of enlistment, and now told it could be serveral months before my first drill. I keep checking DEERS and it has my old affiliation . Anyone have details or advice for the intake process for prior service after they take the oath of enlistment? 2021-01-28T16:05:35-05:00 SSgt Nathan William 6700827 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Does anyone have details on the intake process for prior service? I recently re-enlisted in the Reserves, took the oath of enlistment, and now told it could be serveral months before my first drill. I keep checking DEERS and it has my old affiliation . Anyone have details or advice for the intake process for prior service after they take the oath of enlistment? 2021-01-28T16:05:35-05:00 2021-01-28T16:05:35-05:00 A1C Johnny Le 6701381 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When do your first drill, your name will pop up in the reserves system and have it updated. Response by A1C Johnny Le made Jan 28 at 2021 7:29 PM 2021-01-28T19:29:52-05:00 2021-01-28T19:29:52-05:00 2021-01-28T16:05:35-05:00