Anyone else as disillusioned tonight as I am after this mid term election result? I cannot believe 70% of registered voters did not bother? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I find it incredible 70% of registered voters did not bother to go vote.. and now we just handed a huge open doorway to liberals to pretty much rip this country the rest of the way apart.<br /><br />Tonight they have already said their agenda:<br /><br />1) reinstate obamacare mandates<br />2) repeal the tax credits<br />3) Indict and/or impeach Trump<br />4) impeach Kavanaugh<br />5) repeal or severely restrict the 2nd Amendment either through changing it or by using laws to get around it<br />6) open numerous new investigations for anything and everything they can about Trump<br /><br />It is clear liberals could care less about due process, Constitutional Rights, or anything else.. and the fact they voted IN named socialists on top of it tonight?!??! That is even more insulting and a major slap in the face to the founding fathers, as far as I am concerned.<br /><br />Mark my words, they will use this next two years to create brand new fake dossier and charges against Trump, they will make up new dirt, they will do anything they can to convince people to vote him out in two years.. I never thought something like that could happen until I saw what happened tonight.. <br /><br />Our country is dying and sadly, it seems the majority of Americans could care less.. They are going to find out the hard way however.. and those of us that tried to serve to keep that from happening, have no choice but to sit here and watch it happen now.<br /><br />I never thought I would ever be this disappointed and this angry at most Americans. But there obvious lack of common sense, has been made apparent to me. To vote in the side that wants to give us more of what we have seen out of them these last two years, is just a full on embarrassment to all of us... <br /><br />Right now, I seriously wonder if this country will survive the next two years if liberals do half of what they are saying they will do tonight.<br /><br />So am curious what others think? Oh and btw, hope you are not vested in the stock market because tomorrow, is it going to crash hard. Wed, 07 Nov 2018 02:05:23 -0500 Anyone else as disillusioned tonight as I am after this mid term election result? I cannot believe 70% of registered voters did not bother? <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I find it incredible 70% of registered voters did not bother to go vote.. and now we just handed a huge open doorway to liberals to pretty much rip this country the rest of the way apart.<br /><br />Tonight they have already said their agenda:<br /><br />1) reinstate obamacare mandates<br />2) repeal the tax credits<br />3) Indict and/or impeach Trump<br />4) impeach Kavanaugh<br />5) repeal or severely restrict the 2nd Amendment either through changing it or by using laws to get around it<br />6) open numerous new investigations for anything and everything they can about Trump<br /><br />It is clear liberals could care less about due process, Constitutional Rights, or anything else.. and the fact they voted IN named socialists on top of it tonight?!??! That is even more insulting and a major slap in the face to the founding fathers, as far as I am concerned.<br /><br />Mark my words, they will use this next two years to create brand new fake dossier and charges against Trump, they will make up new dirt, they will do anything they can to convince people to vote him out in two years.. I never thought something like that could happen until I saw what happened tonight.. <br /><br />Our country is dying and sadly, it seems the majority of Americans could care less.. They are going to find out the hard way however.. and those of us that tried to serve to keep that from happening, have no choice but to sit here and watch it happen now.<br /><br />I never thought I would ever be this disappointed and this angry at most Americans. But there obvious lack of common sense, has been made apparent to me. To vote in the side that wants to give us more of what we have seen out of them these last two years, is just a full on embarrassment to all of us... <br /><br />Right now, I seriously wonder if this country will survive the next two years if liberals do half of what they are saying they will do tonight.<br /><br />So am curious what others think? Oh and btw, hope you are not vested in the stock market because tomorrow, is it going to crash hard. PO1 Todd B. Wed, 07 Nov 2018 02:05:23 -0500 2018-11-07T02:05:23-05:00 Response by LTC Stephan Porter made Nov 7 at 2018 3:20 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not surprised actually! LTC Stephan Porter Wed, 07 Nov 2018 03:20:17 -0500 2018-11-07T03:20:17-05:00 Response by SFC Marc W. made Nov 7 at 2018 3:22 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yawn. Democrats didn&#39;t get the Senate, it&#39;s not the end of the world. No asteroid is about to hit. A split congress is a good thing. <br /><br />Elections are over, so should be the doomsday speech. SFC Marc W. Wed, 07 Nov 2018 03:22:36 -0500 2018-11-07T03:22:36-05:00 Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 7 at 2018 4:25 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Who was the &quot;they&quot; you are quoting as the official spokesperson for the democratic controlled congress? And besides, having a majority in one body hardly opens the door for anything. Just look at the republicans who controlled all three branches of government, yet couldn&#39;t even achieve their number one promise to repeal Obamacare on day one. Couldn&#39;t do it on year one, or year two. So the democrats having the majority in the house, while certainly adding some of the checks and balance back into the system (remember the republican house committee investigating the election interference claimed there was no evidence that the Russians favored Trump, LOL. ), it hardly provides a path for the democrats to force their agenda on the rest of congress or the WH. LTC Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:25:32 -0500 2018-11-07T04:25:32-05:00 Response by LCDR Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 7 at 2018 4:33 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You should be a standup comic with that routine. LCDR Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 07 Nov 2018 04:33:13 -0500 2018-11-07T04:33:13-05:00 Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 7 at 2018 5:23 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I posted on this topic also. I see 2 years of nothing getting done in Washington. I agree with your thoughts on the Market. SGT Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 07 Nov 2018 05:23:06 -0500 2018-11-07T05:23:06-05:00 Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 7 at 2018 6:05 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not bothered at all. 1SG Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 07 Nov 2018 06:05:23 -0500 2018-11-07T06:05:23-05:00 Response by CPT Lawrence Cable made Nov 7 at 2018 7:47 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Historically, the percentage of voters participating is slightly higher than average. As a nation, engagement in the political process for a large part of the population has been non existent and nothing has changed. Republican Senate and Administration, so nothing is going to happen like you listed. As a bit of a further point, the Democratic House candidates in the middle of the country ran on platforms very close to the old Blue Dogs and did their best to distance themselves from the Progressives. If that will be true remains to be seen. CPT Lawrence Cable Wed, 07 Nov 2018 07:47:00 -0500 2018-11-07T07:47:00-05:00 Response by GySgt Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 7 at 2018 8:42 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>So,<br /><br />1) Wont pass Senate/vetoed by President<br />2) Wont pass Senate/vetoed by President<br />3) Unless they find something new, wont get convicted by Senate<br />4) Unless they find something new, wont get convicted by Senate<br />5) Wont pass Senate or get ratified by the States<br />6) They do this anyways. <br /><br />Why are you running around like chicken little and the skies falling? GySgt Private RallyPoint Member Wed, 07 Nov 2018 08:42:50 -0500 2018-11-07T08:42:50-05:00 Response by SSG Robert Perrotto made Nov 7 at 2018 9:42 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>the house of representatives cannot do any of this without the Senate. understand how our government works. a split congress is effectively congress being neutered. Getting really tired of idiots making claims that they have no understanding of. For the love of God people - take a goddamn civics course. SSG Robert Perrotto Wed, 07 Nov 2018 09:42:11 -0500 2018-11-07T09:42:11-05:00 Response by MSG Stan Hutchison made Nov 7 at 2018 9:48 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am satisfied with the election results although I would have preferred to see more (D) Senators win. <br />We now have some balance of power, just as the founders designed. <br />We liberals are not your enemy. We will not destroy the nation. We love the USA as much as conservatives do. <br /><br />Now, let&#39;s see what our nation can do. MSG Stan Hutchison Wed, 07 Nov 2018 09:48:39 -0500 2018-11-07T09:48:39-05:00 Response by SCPO Jason McLaughlin made Nov 7 at 2018 10:37 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Market currently +237 SCPO Jason McLaughlin Wed, 07 Nov 2018 10:37:45 -0500 2018-11-07T10:37:45-05:00 Response by PO1 Todd B. made Nov 7 at 2018 3:26 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I had figured people here were smart enough to understand what I was saying but I guess I should have spelled it out because from some posts and replies I see, apparently there are people here that don&#39;t have the means to do so. Common sense is another thing dying in this country.<br /><br />My entire point was NOT ABOUT what some of you keep harping on. It does not MATTER if they can pass any laws or anything else.. That is NOT the point. It is the wrench they will throw into an already corrupt system... and now they are even more giddy over how much more of that they can do.<br /><br />Conservatives lost. America decided that the games, immoral behavior, dishonest allegations without any due process, and endless investigations will continue. We will see those investigations cost taxpayers MILLIONS all for their agenda and not for any real crimes. Right now, just the mueller group has cost this country upward of $30 MILLION DOLLARS. For what?<br /><br />I know of a number of law enforcement agencies and sheriff&#39;s offices that could have done this so called &#39;investigation&#39; in months for a few hundred thousand dollars.. But no, we have a group of lawyers spending MILLIONS to investigate something that is not even a crime... <br /><br />The divide in the last two years WILL grow. And the liberal far left will be even more emboldened by this. I have no doubt of that. And they will spend millions, if not billions, on more investigations, allegations and committee games.<br /><br />We will see hillary remain free and uncharged for major crimes. We will see those killed in benghazi still forgotten and shrugged off as a &quot;video&quot; situation while no one is held accountable. We will watch the far left do everything they can, spend untold tax payer dollars to find that one thing they can to force Trump out, whether by impeachment or at the very least by burying him for the 2020 election in scandal.<br /><br />If this is what you want, well you got it. PO1 Todd B. Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:26:22 -0500 2018-11-07T15:26:22-05:00 Response by SrA John Monette made Nov 7 at 2018 4:39 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>only 30% turnout? fake news. almost 50% of eligible voters cast their ballots. compare that with just over 36% in the midterm elections in 2014 and 41% in the 2010 midterms. SrA John Monette Wed, 07 Nov 2018 16:39:03 -0500 2018-11-07T16:39:03-05:00 Response by SGT Christopher Hayden made Nov 7 at 2018 7:16 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Politics are the biggest, silliest waste of time that people obsess over. Democrats are terrible. Republicans are terrible. Money and personal agendas are all any of them care about, not making the country a better place. This whole &quot;us vs. them&quot; mentality is what fractures the country more than either sides politics. SGT Christopher Hayden Wed, 07 Nov 2018 19:16:56 -0500 2018-11-07T19:16:56-05:00 Response by MSgt Michael Smith made Nov 8 at 2018 8:00 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Give me a break dude. You need to seriously check your sources of information. Listening to Rush, Hannity, and FOX NEWS all the time is giving you a seriously biased version of reality. Mix up what you are reading and watching, become media literate. Once you get a balanced perspective then you can make informed political statements. Here are just a few real facts from your list (1) The Obamacare mandates were never repealed at all, just not enforced. (2) The tax credits are temporary in nature, except for big businesses. The previous Congress couldn&#39;t muster the votes to make them permanent last year --ask yourself &#39;Why is that?&#39; (3) Impeachment is indictment. They are the same thing and you have to have evidence. (4) No one is talking about impeaching Kavanaugh except for political pundits like Hannity, who want to scare you. The same goes for impeaching Trump. The only people talking about it are conservative radio show hosts. (5) The day liberals are able to repeal the 2nd Amendment you are going to have a LOT more to worry about than that. (6) Do you even know what socialism is? MSgt Michael Smith Thu, 08 Nov 2018 08:00:44 -0500 2018-11-08T08:00:44-05:00 Response by GySgt Kenneth Pepper made Nov 8 at 2018 11:34 AM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I quote from the movie &quot;Stripes&quot;.<br />&quot;Lighten up Francis.&quot; GySgt Kenneth Pepper Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:34:31 -0500 2018-11-08T11:34:31-05:00 Response by CSM Charles Hayden made Nov 8 at 2018 2:18 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="406097" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/406097-stg-sonar-technician-surface">PO1 Todd B.</a> The failure of the Nation to appreciate improvements from the previous administration is hurtful. <br /><br />Statements of intent by successful candidates are mostly of the SMH type. <br /><br />The lack of positive news coverage about say - improvements to Obama Care are lacking. On election night one network did list and speak of the administrations successes in the past year. For the first time!<br /><br /> If they had earlier, faithfully reported the positive ‘happenings’ to the proletariat, voting results would have been different. CSM Charles Hayden Thu, 08 Nov 2018 14:18:58 -0500 2018-11-08T14:18:58-05:00 Response by SSG Robert Perrotto made Nov 8 at 2018 3:52 PM <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I do not know which is worse for the brain - politics or drugs. Both turn your brain to mush. SSG Robert Perrotto Thu, 08 Nov 2018 15:52:32 -0500 2018-11-08T15:52:32-05:00 2018-11-07T02:05:23-05:00