Posted on Nov 7, 2018
PO1 Todd B.
I find it incredible 70% of registered voters did not bother to go vote.. and now we just handed a huge open doorway to liberals to pretty much rip this country the rest of the way apart.

Tonight they have already said their agenda:

1) reinstate obamacare mandates
2) repeal the tax credits
3) Indict and/or impeach Trump
4) impeach Kavanaugh
5) repeal or severely restrict the 2nd Amendment either through changing it or by using laws to get around it
6) open numerous new investigations for anything and everything they can about Trump

It is clear liberals could care less about due process, Constitutional Rights, or anything else.. and the fact they voted IN named socialists on top of it tonight?!??! That is even more insulting and a major slap in the face to the founding fathers, as far as I am concerned.

Mark my words, they will use this next two years to create brand new fake dossier and charges against Trump, they will make up new dirt, they will do anything they can to convince people to vote him out in two years.. I never thought something like that could happen until I saw what happened tonight..

Our country is dying and sadly, it seems the majority of Americans could care less.. They are going to find out the hard way however.. and those of us that tried to serve to keep that from happening, have no choice but to sit here and watch it happen now.

I never thought I would ever be this disappointed and this angry at most Americans. But there obvious lack of common sense, has been made apparent to me. To vote in the side that wants to give us more of what we have seen out of them these last two years, is just a full on embarrassment to all of us...

Right now, I seriously wonder if this country will survive the next two years if liberals do half of what they are saying they will do tonight.

So am curious what others think? Oh and btw, hope you are not vested in the stock market because tomorrow, is it going to crash hard.
Posted in these groups: Vote Voting1b1f1229 Congress
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Responses: 18
SFC Marc W.
Yawn. Democrats didn't get the Senate, it's not the end of the world. No asteroid is about to hit. A split congress is a good thing.

Elections are over, so should be the doomsday speech.
SFC Christopher Taggart
SFC Christopher Taggart
6 y
The theme sure makes for a good fiction book, 'bout it writers?
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - I agree with you a split Congress is not bad however I do not see them playing well together. Positive side to that is when they do not play well with each other, no frivolous laws are written.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
6 y
SSG Jessica Bautista You can spank toddlers.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
6 y
MAJ Byron Oyler Toddlers also don't care about optics. Politicians sure do though.
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SGT Christopher Hayden
Politics are the biggest, silliest waste of time that people obsess over. Democrats are terrible. Republicans are terrible. Money and personal agendas are all any of them care about, not making the country a better place. This whole "us vs. them" mentality is what fractures the country more than either sides politics.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
6 y
Your comment is probably the smartest comment any of us have made here.. and you are right. I guess my passion for the country caused me to vent because I seriously worry about what is happening.
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LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Who was the "they" you are quoting as the official spokesperson for the democratic controlled congress? And besides, having a majority in one body hardly opens the door for anything. Just look at the republicans who controlled all three branches of government, yet couldn't even achieve their number one promise to repeal Obamacare on day one. Couldn't do it on year one, or year two. So the democrats having the majority in the house, while certainly adding some of the checks and balance back into the system (remember the republican house committee investigating the election interference claimed there was no evidence that the Russians favored Trump, LOL. ), it hardly provides a path for the democrats to force their agenda on the rest of congress or the WH.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
PO1 Todd B. - pls give me the time marks where she talks about impeaching trump, or Kanavaugh. Or repealing the second amendment. Or repealing tax credits. You said n your first response to me that she touches all those bases.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - You know, for an officer you sure don't seem to understand that I am not under YOUR command and I don't do your bidding, I don't have to do your work for you. YOU go find them. I already took the time to link ONE of the videos. I even found ONE of the time codes, which you convenient ignored any comment about me being right at all.

You want the rest of it? Go find the spots or videos yourself. She AND OTHERS have stated what I said, more than once. Not only that, it does not matter if it was Pelosi at this point because you can choose form her, Waters and numerous others that have stated it.

But you know what? Here I will even step up ONE MORE TIME FOR YOU... You can find all of what I said, all over the place if you took the time to look.
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
PO1 Todd B. - so that's it. When your original statement, where you said that Pelosi talked about all the items on your laundry list in her election night speech is shown to be false (because video exists) you change to say that I should search the internet for examples of any democrat saying anything at any time. Got it. You sounded so sure and definitive when you stated that Pelosi had said all those things in her election night speech. It must be irritating when facts get in the way of your statements. You may not be used to that if you post primarily on websites that only attract right wing readers, who seldom if ever challenge a statement due to factual inaccuracy.

Guess we're done here. If you continue to insist your original reply to me was accurate there is nothing else I can show you that would more clearly show you that it was not.
PO1 Todd B.
PO1 Todd B.
6 y
LTC (Join to see) - So you are going to play word games and completely bypass the FACT she did say things? You have STILL ignore the time code I gave you, the fact I said she and OTHERS and I even gave you a second link...

You are playing word games because you cannot refute what I said. And I could pull up a link for every single little quote.. but you could too and I am not your servant. YOU just don't want to. Because YOU know you are wrong.. You are playing the same game we have seen out of the far left for years now.

If you were moderate, you would not be arguing every little word literally.. But you are and you can't see to stop yourself. I have to wonder how people under your command were treated when you were wrong.
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