Posted on Aug 22, 2015
Do you agree with this assessment of Donald Trump?
Responses: 10
LTC Peter Hartman
I disagree. Trump is running on a populist platform and taps into the growing distrust of the political class. He also disdains political correctness. As far as making the GOP look bad- they do a good job of that on their own....
PO1 John Miller
SFC Michael Hasbun
Ho Hum, this meme is getting old. Why exactly should we care what a foreigner thinks of Donald Trump?
Ho Hum, this meme is getting old. Why exactly should we care what a foreigner thinks of Donald Trump?
SFC Michael Hasbun
Ah, I'd forgotten. Only American opinions matter. How very 'Mericuh! of you...
Incidentally, that's why. Americans are generally the worst at viewing America objectively. Vanity is not a friend to progress..
Incidentally, that's why. Americans are generally the worst at viewing America objectively. Vanity is not a friend to progress..
Silver-Spooned Vietnam draft dodger, and filed bankruptcy 4x. Not good for America.
SGT(P) Gregory Daniel Collins, Jr. says the mass deportation of an estimated 11.5 million undocumented immigrants would cost the economy $1.7 trillion, citing a 2013 study by a Harvard economist. It said it would devastate the construction, agricultural and hospitality industries.
His business tactics aren't applicable in government policy.
Certain business principles are, of which, I'm sure he is well versed. But that's not enough for me to think of him as a decent candidate for President.
His business tactics aren't applicable in government policy.
Certain business principles are, of which, I'm sure he is well versed. But that's not enough for me to think of him as a decent candidate for President.
PO1 John Miller
SGT(P) Gregory Daniel Collins, Jr.
Obama and Clinton didn't serve in the military either, and GW's service was a joke. What's your point?
Obama and Clinton didn't serve in the military either, and GW's service was a joke. What's your point?
Trump is awesome for to many reasons to count. The first two are hes not a Clinton or Bush. He shows what many people want to say but cant say. Hes a billion dollar business man thats why.
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