Posted on Jul 20, 2015
SGT Juan Soriano
To: The PEOPLES view

Thanks for your time and answers. Though I believe black is not the only color that has received in some and very cases "Police Brutality".

I believe their is Brown, White and many more that I definitely don't have the time to mention because the list is to long.
But, I believe everyone in life has had a bad experience with Police, Firemans, Doctors, Attorneys, Journalist, News Reporters and etc..

I don't think it's fare to say that all "BROWN" people are hispanic. I don't think it's fare to say that all Black people are bad or a threat. I don't think it's fare to say that all "White" people are K.K.K.

BUT, I can sincerely say that the time that we spend seeing the negative or criticizing other if we were to SEE THE POSITIVE and the GREAT PERSONS AND THINGS that surround us?

I know we as the PEOPLE of this beautiful NATION and or COUNTRY we can make the change without the need of the POLITICIAN.

DONT MISUNDERSTAND my opinion but always with respect, formal, and discipline.

Once again thank you for your service and time.

Posted in these groups: Attitude is everything Attitude
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Responses: 10
SPC Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
The biggest problem is not racism, bigotry, and prejudice. It's ignorance. Especially because of stereotypes!
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SGT Writer
Well said. Everyone has to do their part to make the world a better place. Stereotypes and generalizations exist for a reason. That doesn't meant they're all okay to emulate, support, and follow.
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SGT Lillie M Epps
While I agree with the comments left here, lately it has been blacks who seem to be "the target". I believe that there are brown, white, yellow, green blue, who have had their share of problems with police brutality as well but haven't really seen it on the news. I just pray that no matter what the color is that it stops and people start thinking before they act.
SPC Thomas Symington
SPC Thomas Symington
>1 y
That comment is racist in itself, you stereotype blacks as primarily the only victims of police brutality. Whites and Hispanics are victim too, those victimized just don't use it as a deterrent from accepting guilt of one's own fault as to why the police were involved in the first place.
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