Posted on Jun 21, 2015
CPT Richard Riley
Military Father – by Alayna Shaine

"Can you handle me being gone for so long?"
"I know I can. You do so much for our country. I can at least provide a home for you to come back to, and be faithful."
"It’s going to be hard."
"I know."

"Can you see yourself married? To a man in the military?"
"Yes. You wouldn't have to ask me twice."
"Why? I would never be home, and the time we would get together, would be limited."
"Yes, but love knows no distance. Be a soldier. Then come home, back to me."

The day we found out, you held me so tight. While everything around me, turned white. Tears slipped down my face, my world had shattered, like a vase. I was so young, just barely eighteen. Hardly an adult, I still felt like a teen.

Brave like a military soldier should be, the love of my life simply held me.
"You are going to be alright, there will be money coming your way, with each day, That I am gone. You will be taken care of. I promise." Goodbye for now. Deployment only lasts for so long. Please do not leave yet, let me memorize you are face. I will pray for you each day, and send kisses your way. ….. Leave me now, but come home safe, my Soldier.

So many months have passed; I am surprised they went so fast. The only evidence of seven months is our child in my womb. "Daddy is here, daddy is here." A military hand, gently caresses my belly. It is so sweet, sweeter then homemade jelly.

I am so close now; I wish you did not have to leave. I do not want to grieve, not anymore, Never again. Please do not leave! The photographer helps me down on my knees. What a tease this is for me. Last time I was like this, was right after our French kiss. He was in front of me; he held the key, to the sea within me, and we conceived our baby.

Now I lay here, all alone. Holding a framed photo, of my Soldier. She tells me to look up and smile, I smile for a while, but it fades. I look down at the photo in my hand, and I can almost stand. Your smile, could make me run, more than a mile, I would stay for a while, with my Soldier.

My hand touches right where, your hand used to. Your dog tags, cold to the touch, but symbolizes our flag. I wish you were here with me now, so we could vow, right now on this luminous day, down by the bay. Then maybe they would let you stay.

The pains are here, I wish they would just disappear, until you are near. Just hold my hand -please help me dear. "Just take a breath, and you'll do well." "I want you to hold me!" "And I would hold you Hun. Nevertheless, for now you need to be strong. You will be all right. If I can handle boot camp or run into fires, you'll be fine."

Through Skype, you saw our baby come. Our child's first cries, played over the speakers, from my laptop, to yours. His little fingers, touch the tags, you used to wear, every day. He knows, the cold tags, symbolize our flag. Because his daddy, is in the military. His Daddy is a Soldier.

Welcome home Daddy! We missed you, every hour of the day. Hold your son, my Soldier; I am so proud of you, each and every day! Moment's like this, I will never forget. Kisses like this, I will never forget. Tears like this, I will never forget.

Finally, in daddy's hands. Nine months in mommies belly, two weeks waiting for daddy. Daddy's little Soldier. Thanks to Daddy, I am free.
He fought in the war, for mommy and me. He made the choice - he sacrificed. Thanks to you, I am free!
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Responses: 2
PO1 Rick Serviss
Happy Father's Day!
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
WOW!! that is an awesome poem and a fitting 0rtibute to many families who have been through it. Happy Father's Day to all!!
CPT Richard Riley
CPT Richard Riley
>1 y
I'm glad you found it as fitting as I did. I echo your comment - Happy Father's Day to all!
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