Posted on Jan 5, 2021
Cpl Vic Burk
My opinion as a mathematics teacher is, "It sucks." These kids are getting ripped off out of their education. When we went back full time last fall I was able to get some of the students who never did much of anything while remote to start working and many were doing well. As soon as we went back, without the interaction of the teacher in person they went back to doing nothing again.

Maybe history classes can be taught remotely. Watch videos, read a chapter in a book and answer questions however, some subjects are very difficult to teach remotely. My subject, mathematics is certainly one but not the only one. Try doing chemistry and understanding everything without being in the lab to apply the theories, or biology with no laboratory hands on. Politicians would have us believe that our young generation is getting a quality education, I say Bull$hit. COVID may be serious but I don't think it is as serious as the bureaucrats want us to think it is. Our children, the future of America is getting ripped off!
My rant. A moderator may want to remove this post since it isn't military related but these kids are also the future of our military to keep our country protected against all enemies foreign and domestic.
Posted in these groups: Graduation cap EducationBack to the future part ii original Future
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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
You are absolutely correct. It is the worst of time. No "best" about it. I told my grandchildren that I hope they're keeping journals. (At least that way they'll get some creative writing experience) They are living in a historic time and will be asked about it.
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SSgt Owner/Operator
The US education system is turning into one of the worst in the world. It's why my wife and I home schooled our kids back in the 90s into the 2000s. I fully support home schooling and neighborhood pod schools. For too long we have abandoned our responsibilities to our own kids - and the nanny state has already reared its head saying they are not our kids!

Yea, the curriculum as taught in institutionalized schooling does not work well remote. It was never designed to. Schooling was all about learning the 8-5 habits, lunch when we say so, a break when we say so, and a very minimal education.

My grandchildren are also being home schooled.
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MAJ Audiology
Not a fan. My little one is 6 and this is his first year mainstreaming in public school (high functioning on autism spectrum). He’s not struggling with the work. In fact often times we are well ahead of his required lessons by mid week so we often add in other things. My concern is he’s missing the most important thing his mother and I sent him mainstream for: the social aspects. He needs that peer modeling and interaction especially in these key early years.

Remote learning has also been frustrating because he started school full time in person and then in December they forced them all remote only and he is supposed to go back to in person learning after MLK day. Hoping it happens.

The other issue is my wife works as a special education aide and the school she works for has been in person instruction the entire year while all other schools have went remote. Unfortunately she had to go on covid leave at half pay for December. Then since my son is still virtual she had to take a leave of absence for most of this month without pay. It’s been a financial strain.
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