Posted on Jun 16, 2020
Does OCS Selection Take Precedence Over MOS Reclass?
What happens if one drops a Packet for reclass (Application MOS), gets accepted, gets an AIT school date and then he also drops a packet for OCS and gets selected before the start of the reclass AIT start date. What takes Precedence? Will the SM get the choice to choose which one to go or does the OCS automatically take precedence over the Enlisted Reclass?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
Commissioning trumps everything. By applying for OCS you’ve made your decision as to which course you want to attend.
I’ll let someone from the Army be the final word, but when I was in that spot in the Marine Corps, my reserve unit showed me the reg that said, “Officer stuff takes precedence. And once you accept, you’re more valuable to the service by staying on track and getting your commission on time.” All the fun stuff ended.
Maj (Join to see)
MAJ Byron Oyler That sucks! I had friends in ROTC who did the opposite—they were in ROTC, and then were permitted to find a Guard unit and affiliate with it.
The OCS appointment will over ride anything on the Enlisted Side. If you DON'T want to go to OCS, I tell them now and avoid the hassle.
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