Posted on Apr 17, 2015
CSM Michael Lynch
I have to ask is this the right answer? I'm not saying the VA doesn't need more funds. I am extremely concerned where those funds will go and who will provide oversight on their use.

An article a few weeks ago stated that the VA had approved funding of 93 million dollars for 30 cities to help 45,000 homeless veterans in those cities. I'm no mathematician but that just doesn't look like it holds water on the amount of money. How much of that is overhead?
I'm happy to see the money going to the VA, I am praying that it is used to better care of our veterans. Salutes
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Responses: 9
SPC Human Resources   Labor/Employee Relations
While the budget is going to help many things like updating old facilities, equipment, hire more direct patient care positions…. No budget is going to fix the big problems within the VA.

Those problems need to be address and eliminated; firing toxic employees and leaders. We can fix the broken building and equipment... but we cant fix someone who doesnt care about the bottom line: Veteran's Care.

With that being said: I love working for the VA. I starting working there because after the service I felt lost for a long time, I wanted a job were I connected with those I worked with, and more importantly, FOR.
CSM Michael Lynch
CSM Michael Lynch
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) Spot on with the problems, I think we all agree. I am glad to see and I do know there are many folks like you that do care and are doing the right things. We need more of you and dump the rest. Salutes for taking care of us all.
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
This is a duplicate question.

The budget is not the problem. The mentality, and the culture of the people running the VA is the problem. The system needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.
CSM Michael Lynch
CSM Michael Lynch
>1 y
No this is new this budget is being increased and planned for 2016, currently, it might be able to merger with one of the other VA issues. Yes the mentality and culture need to change but the funding also needs to be there to handle the influx of departing service members that will need the VA's programs. Tearing it down and rebuilding would only hurt all of us in the process. Major restructuring is a definite need immediately and I agree culture has got to change immediately
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MAJ Ken Landgren
If we had 30 VA centers each center will get 2.23 billion in to help homeless veterans with a total allocation of 6.70 billion. This will mean spending per homeless vet will be 148,888.88 which is a staggering amount.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
>1 y
I don't know as the VA is a corrupt organization that lies, cheats, and steals.
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