Posted on Mar 31, 2015
1SG Henry Yates
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Some of us have had entrepreneurs in our Family and have a nudge deep inside to start a business some day. Others have learned the value of control and the benefits of creating an assett. Imagine it, no need to apply or risk a period of transition. The only people demanding something of you is your client base whom you have a passion to work for. When would you start, when would you register, when would you...
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Responses: 9
SSG Lawrence Crow
All you have is NOW... No one is promised tomorrow. Read Denis Waitley's "Someday Isle."
1SG Henry Yates
1SG Henry Yates
>1 y
Thanks for response. My now wasn't found until I saw that I was financially trapped after a judge set maintenance and support in a divorce. I was left with nothing, I was still in uniform and had to get way outside the box. I don't know what would have happened if it was just me, but I couldn't fail. My boys, I couldn't let them down. I got exception to policy and at one point I had 5 jobs. When I realized 7 days a week, nearly 15hrs a day and over 140 miles commute 7 days a week could lead to... Well, thank God we didn't get there, I started Yates Productions. Simply taking a step back, planning, and just simply using my head, I escaped by creating my own income. Looking around my office and determining what I could offer others, I started an IT and professional printing business in 2001. My now, I didn't realize until trouble motivated me, but it was the best gift that came in such an ugly package. Financial independence, well, I'm on my way.
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LTC David S. Chang, ChFC®, CLU®
Edited >1 y ago
Should do it when you have done the necessary research and built your minimum viable product, or MVP. In the past the big ate the small, but now it is the fast that eat the slow, no matter the size. Just look at Borders and Blockbuster!

Getting your MVP out is important in order to get feedback from the market, then iterate. You don't want to spend too much time or money investing in something that people may not like. And often times, what you as the business owner want is not what the market wants.

By doing this, you may be able to bootstrap, which means you don't need to borrow or invest considerable amount of money upfront and can reinvest the profits back into the company. I would also suggest that you keep your current job if you can until you know your business model will work. If it doesn't, no harm done, but if it does, then you know it is the right time to leave.

here are some business ideas that you can start with under 5k!
1SG Henry Yates
1SG Henry Yates
>1 y
Thank you for this advice Sir! It's awesome, MVP, I like that. So many of our institutions place us all into a prep to work for someone else, general education, higher education and parental expectations... My cycle broke with disaster I couldn't control. Yes, I still have my job, but my pursuit is financial independence for myself and others. But some will never aim for independence or appreciate it. I know for me, I didn't, it took trouble. Thanks for sharing Sir.
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SPC Team Leader
Hey contact me
1SG Henry Yates
1SG Henry Yates
>1 y
No problem...
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