Posted on Mar 5, 2015
LCpl Senior Staff Writer
So given owning guns and joining the military have a relatively strong correlation of populations, I imagine a good chunk of you have heard about the ATF moving to ban M855 ammo, that same lovely green tip that we're all at least annually familiar with. The ATF is arguing that what makes up a good chunk of the surplus ammo market is magically now armor piercing ammunition because of the steel penetrator (which does not qualify the M855 for armor piercing status per Federal law) and because, like all rifle ammunition including .22 Mag, it can pierce a NIJ IIA vest (Rated to defeat low speed 9x19mm ammo and 40S&W). So from a legal and physics perspective this is rather out of whack, and the law under which the ATF is claiming authority to do this specifically omits centerfire rifle rounds, specifically because every rifle round made can defeat the vest used for the standard.

If you want more information, I've done some extensive writing with my coworkers here: [login to see] 03343/

So it comes down to this. Should civilians be able to purchase/own the M855/SS109 ball round?
Posted in these groups: 7d85f271 Firearms and GunsB360d12 ATFImgres LawWolf 762 clip Ammo
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Responses: 4
SGT Jim Z.
Yes as long as they are legally allowed to purchase guns and ammo in other words not convicted felons but that is another issue. This is another ploy by certain parties to limit law abiding citizens their inalienable rights.

LCpl (Join to see) thank you for sharing this information although not all gun owners join the military and not all service members and veterans own guns.
LCpl Senior Staff Writer
LCpl (Join to see)
>1 y
Like I said, there's a fair amount of correlation. I get a lot of messages at work from vets with article ideas, tips, or just wanting to shoot the shit. (Pun not intended)
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SGT Jerrold Pesz
Yes. I will also repeat what some others have already mentioned: most rifle ammo will penetrate most police body armor. The level IIA that they used for the test if the lowest rating available. I wore level II. Level III is to hot and heavy to be comfortable for any length of time and level IV is even worse. Most guns that you encounter on the street are either 9mm or .38 Special and a level II vest will stop those. Of course none of them do much good if the bullet misses the vest which is often the case. Years ago many quit wearing white tee shirts because the white triangle at the neck was a perfect target.
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Capt Richard I P.
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