Posted on Jul 22, 2019
Jonathan Ramirez
MEPS gave waiver for highschool disciplinary behavior, they told me i could get fined if i lied to them cause they were gonna look into it anyways which is actual bullshit cause im doing my recruiters job rn they are MAKING ME GO BACK TO THE HIGHSCHOOLS THAT IVE BEEN TO AND FIND MY DISCIPLARY DOCUMENTS WHEN MEPS TOLD ME THEEEYYYYY WERE GONNA DO IT. Meps should be the ones getting fined for lying.
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Responses: 3
SFC J Fullerton
MEPS is not the approval authority for waivers. You probably got yourself disqualified or "open" on the physical exam under PSYCH for telling the doc you were a problem child in school. So, the doc needs to see if you have a history that would require a psych consultation and waiver by the service branch's approval authority. You are the applicant, so it is on you to provide the requested documentation in order to be medically qualified. Talk to your recruiter.
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CW4 Craig Urban
I quit high school basically in the 10th grade. I used to forge my mom's signature on the reason I was not at school. I was constantly in the VP office. My gt was 111. My foreign aptitude score was 25. Do not worry about it. They call me Mr. GED.
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MSgt Michael Smith
MEPS and your recruiter cannot get HS records. You were a minor dumb-ass. You have to voluntarily get and give them. YOU ARE THE ONE WHO WANTS TO JOIN. Why should they do the work? Based on this simple post, military life may not be for you.
SGT Debra Jahnel
SGT Debra Jahnel
>1 y
And then again - it may be EXACTLY what he needs. Man up, Jonathan Ramirez, & do whatever they ask you to do. Show that you want them more than they need you. Contact your high school principal, respectfully, & ask if they've been contacted by the military. If not, ask how to get a copy of your records & take them to your recruiter. See Comment by SFC J Fullerton. Good Luck. You can private message me if you think I can help.
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