Interesting topic, very long response.
A few points:
1) In our BDE we had two barracks. One only had four entrances minus the fire exits. The other had sixteen entrances. While we were gone the rear-d only used the one with four entrances. Since they did have issue discussed the locked all doors and posted guards, everyone was checked in and out. It worked well and they had very little issue. However, the Soldiers felt like they were in prison and due to the size of the building they had to walk a football field distance to exit when their car was 10 yards always.
2) Upon our return we occupied the second barracks and tried lockdown. They broke the door locks and it was very hard to control access. So when we walked through the barracks we realized what we were asking of our Soldiers. To walk two hundred yards to get to a vehicle or access 10 yards away. It was like your wife locking the garage door and mandating you only go through the front door. So after talking with the Soldiers we removed the restriction and opened all the doors. Minus a few small issues we have had the lowest incidents I have seen. We do have an NCO and three CQs two walk the area but this is to reduce theft and report issue. I truly believe if you build a professional attitude and environment they will behave that way.
3) We still have some theft issues but mostly in the parking lot so we are looking into purchasing cameras and will place them around. Hopefully a deterrent for many things.
4) Again we are not perfect even found a minor in the barracks, (hid in closet) have to turn down the music, etc... BUT nothing NCOs checking on Soldier cannot fix. Every time we find something wrong I take a step back and say is it an issue or incident - is it systemic or just a short term problem. When it is an incident and not a systemic issue why freak out when something happens in the Barracks? Every complex that big has issues!
***** Finally, believe me there is a lot happening in married housing- most don't see it because you don't get the Blotters. CSM don't yell housing is screwed up because the are mixed housing areas they can't control. But they do say the Barracks are screwed up because they can impact that. SOOOOO treat you Soldier with the respect they deserve but the guidance and oversight they need.
You have to experience to learn some of the hardest lessons. If those lessons end with warts, burning urine, scabs, or possible death. you had to learn your way.
Ill give you an example. When i was a kid i was told that you only cross at cross walks... easy enough... its only safe to walk at cross walks... after about the third time of almost getting hit by a car, and losing one bike to a truck... I learned that regardless of where you cross the street you have to watch the light...
If we coddle the soldiers they should never fail.. but if they dont fail, how are they going to remember not to do it again?