Posted on Jul 11, 2018
How tough is MP AIT? What do I need to know before starting?
How tough is AIT? What do I need to know before starting? Do anyone have notes? im the type that likes to know what im getting myself into
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 5
You need to know nothing. They will teach you what you need to know. You just need to have the correct requirements to get in. Also, a lot of what you will learn, you will learn at your first unit during OJT (On the Job Training).
SSG Jose M. Hernandezsanchez
Johnathon Greer - OJT is pretty much learning while on the job, in other words while you're at your duty station/unit. In AIT, instructors will teach you the fundamentals of been a MP, that's all. I was an instructor in AIT for 25V which is Combat Documentation/Production Specialist. All we taught was fundamentals of recording, and editing video which are basic skills. You'll acquire more and more skills at your unit and learn more as you move from one duty station to another.
CPL Michael Peck
AIT teaches you the basic of UCMJ and paperwork to what Battle drills MP’s do. Every Duty station is different. As an MP as Lewis we arrested and cited civilians on post. In Alaska local Law Enforcement came and handled all the civilians.
SGM Steve Wettstein
Johnathon Greer - One more thing. Do not stress over shit you have no control over....which will be pretty much everything. Just do what your told, when your told and in the correct uniform and you will do fine.
Best thing you can do before shipping out, is to ditch everything you think you know, and openly go in knowing nothing, yet ready to soak it all up in a short time. TV and dramas are just that. Get down there keep your mouth shut, eyes open, and ear to the ground, and before you know it, you'll be at your first unit, signing for your ticket books, pulling your first traffic stop, and enjoying the hell out of yourself while still learning how to do a shitload of paperwork.
If you wind up in the 795th MP BN and one of it's companies, ask the CSM or 1SG to move you to 787 MP BN and one of it's training companies. You'll be challenged more often and the demands are harder. You'll be harder than a PVT in a strip club once they're done with you. D co/787 is where you wanna be. Trust me!!! 795 ain't shit, won't be shit, and I hope you scream it every time you pass them (which will be often).
Assist, Protect, Defend
If you wind up in the 795th MP BN and one of it's companies, ask the CSM or 1SG to move you to 787 MP BN and one of it's training companies. You'll be challenged more often and the demands are harder. You'll be harder than a PVT in a strip club once they're done with you. D co/787 is where you wanna be. Trust me!!! 795 ain't shit, won't be shit, and I hope you scream it every time you pass them (which will be often).
Assist, Protect, Defend
SSG (Join to see)
Johnathon Greer just soak up everything there like a sponge. Don’t let pride and ego get in your way by leading to confrontation. Before you go? Just work on your PT! Good luck! SSG Warren Swan if we wonder twins activate doesn’t that make us an E12? Then I believe that puts 787 right back on top, no?
SSG Warren Swan
SSG (Join to see) It always has been, but SGM Weinstein is a 787 hater. We need to save him(or us before his Drill badge lights up).
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