Posted on Dec 18, 2014
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
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Good news for some. I was reading prior that several Senators were pushing to help those who were separated in not having the 8yrs commission time, but met the 15 year mark. I bet the few who were in this boat will be surprised to receive the notification that they will remain in. Hopefully, they will continue to improve the OSB process (or scrap it entirely).

From the ArmyTimes:

"About 160 officers who were selected for separation from the Army can now remain on active duty or separate with retirement benefits, the service announced Thursday."

"As many as 44 prior-enlisted officers were improperly considered by the separation boards, and because they were selected, they would have been forced to retire at their highest enlisted rank."

"The 44 officers in question were selected for early retirement even though they did not meet the minimum commissioned service threshold. McHugh voided their separations from service, and the officers have been notified that they may remain in the Army. They may still submit a voluntary request to retire at their previously held enlisted grade, or wait until they have the necessary years of active commissioned service required to retire as officers."
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 4
CW5 Desk Officer
It's good to see the Army right a wrong. Good for those 160 officers!
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Rgr that. I would have dropped a warrant packet knowing that or would have stayed enlisted. I am YG10, but that that was harsh. Over 40yrs, Army Times stated that the difference in some cases equal 1 million dollars.
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LCDR Doug Nordman
When we were discussing this back in July, I wrote two posts:

Dave Philipps, a NYT reporter, picked up on the issue and contacted me asking to interview the affected officers. I e-mailed a half-dozen people and he wrote a couple of articles for the print edition and their blog:

And it looks like Congress finally got moving on all of those inquiry letters that servicemembers & families had sent them. But I wonder how much of this decision was initiated by the Army and Congress, or if it was really just their chance to get off the pages of the NYT.

If you're one of the affected officers who has not already contacted me, I'd love to share your reaction and your advice in a blog post.
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
I remember. The slides you provided for the OSB were helpful.
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CPT Eric Diaz
Yeah I read this today to. My faith in humanity has been somewhat restored. When I saw how some officers were getting booted in such a disrespectful I was crestfallen. I understand the necessity of downsizing, its what always happens after war, but the way they did to some was down right dirty. This at least shows that the system can be turned around and mistakes rectified.
CPT Company Commander (Hhc, Cyber Protection Brigade)
CPT (Join to see)
10 y
Agreed CPT Eric Diaz. I believe CPT (Join to see) made a good point. If it was set, some would be weary in going to OCS. Its still rough for those who have less than 15 YRS.
CPT Eric Diaz
CPT Eric Diaz
10 y
CPT Eric Dunn I was in OCS with several high quality NCOs that had between 10 and 15 years in that got caught up in this. They were guys that would have have put have significant rank had they stayed enlisted. To RIF them and drop them to their enlisted service was shameful. Again glad they fixed it.
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