Posted on Jun 6, 2018
CW2 Info Services Technician
My application for Reserve AGR is in the HRC portal, now I have to wait for a board to convene in August. As a Signal WO1, what are my chances of being selected for a position? I have been told with the emergence of Cyber, more Signal Warrant positions are becoming vacant. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I am trying to keep a positive mind?

Part 2: How long after the board convenes will I know if I am selected or not
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Responses: 5
MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
The board only lets you know if you are qualified for the AGR program and then classifies you into a tier. There are four tiers with tier one being most qualified and the tier four representing not-qualified. Once classified, you wait until a unit requires an AGR position for your rank and MOS/AOC and only then will they extend an offer. I know some people that get selected immediately while others will be on the waiting list for years or never even get selected.

I've been on the tier 2 - qualified list for the last three years and am still waiting for a call up to the big leagues.
CW2 Info Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
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Thank you for your input sir. You would think with me working right down the street from HRC, I would be able to get more insight for myself. For your situation, have you looked into the Call to Active Duty program for Officers and Warrant Officers? I also submitted for that, but unfortunately I am at the mercy of the FEDREC order. I graduated WOCS in March, so I have a bit of time before my orders will be produced.
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MAJ Police Officer
I don't know the timeline for the Guard but for the Army Reserve they are about to do a big push to fill the AGR positions in the units... Might be worth considering if you don't mind moving ... "needs of the Army".
CW2 Info Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
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Yes sir, I was referring to the Reserve AGR program. Moving is a must for me. Do you know any more about this "big push" to fill positions??
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WO1 Aviation Maintenance Operations
CW2 (Join to see) To go on what MAJ (Join to see) wrote. I recently graduated WOCS as well and the last Reserve CCWO, the 377th CCWO, and the Reserve Dep. Commandant briefed all the Reserve members in my class that the AGR is in the process of beefing up its numbers. Didn’t go much into specifics but told the branches there (AV, SIG, CID, and QM) that it was likely that many positions would be open but for W2.
CW2 Info Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
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Yeah it makes sense that they are for CW2, because there really is no positions dedicated to WO1 as we are pretty much in the grooming stage to take on more of a "chief" role as a CW2. I did get some clarification from a CW5 who I ran into at the gym that works at HRC that they are "fully supportive of capturing a WO1 for the AGR Program". So I guess my whole thing is just how likely is it that I get picked up without WOBC and without FEDREC.

When did you go to WOCS?? I graduated March 21, 2018
WO1 Aviation Maintenance Operations
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CW2 (Join to see) I started April 5.

AGR is something I’m looking at too, along with CAD. But in the same boat
CW2 Info Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
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Yeah i already submitted my CAD packet and it got kicked back because i don't have fedrec order yet or wobc. So you were in the teal class?? Who was your tac? Mine was mr. Leak, mr. Ortiz, mr. Monday, and mr. Montgomery.
WO1 Aviation Maintenance Operations
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CW2 (Join to see) it was originally teal but ended up being in the orange class that graduated 4 weeks after teal. I had Ms Brown, Mr Deal, Mr Jefferson, and Mr Richards
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