Posted on Apr 8, 2018
Can you reclass to Infantry in the NG after MEPS but before basic training?
I recently swore in to the national guard at meps in January as a 91b in the NG and am scheduled to head to fort Leonard Wood on June 20th for basic training. I have recently been finding myself more and more wanting to go infantry instead so I was wonder if number one is it possible to reclass to infantry before basic training in any way and two is it worth it?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 11
I was a tank turret mechanic when I first joined the Guard. Lasted about two and a half years before I realized I would be happy unless I went Infantry. So I went to the Army recruiter and went airborne Infantry. So if you really want to be Infantry talk to your recruiter and tell him/her. The thing with the Guard is they already have you slotted against a position so you need to make the switch ASAP. That is because the state has to have an open Infantry slot to put you in. They may play hardball so be ready to push back just as much. Good luck.
Yes you can contact your recruiter he will help you. I almost did this my self
Re-class is normally an option only during your last 12 months of contract- or if the MOS is critically short. 11B is not a shortage MOS, so the chances are about 0, and they have slotted you were they felt the need and your qualifications.
SGM Bill Frazer
Possible if he can switch before they send him to school- once they spend $$ on you, they balk about losing it.
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