Posted on Feb 11, 2018
I see that there is a CIB 4th award; it is a CIB with 3 stars on it. Has any soldier ever earned this award?
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 11
No, this award has never been issued. The highest number of CIBs that have been awarded to an individual is three, and it required someone to have fought in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. The names of all these individuals who have been issued three CIBs have been recorded and they are easily researched through a number of databases and they are registered with the Infantry Museum in Fort Benning. Fewer than 400 triple CIBs have ever been issued, and the most number of CIBs that a currently serving soldier can have is two. For a currently serving soldier to have three awards, he would have had to fought in Korea, Vietnam and in the Global War on terror....and it is pretty obvious to see why that is impossible. For a fourth award, a soldier would have had to have served in all four eras, WII, Korea, Vietnam, and the Global War on Terror, so again...100% impossible.
SSG Kenneth Ponder
Basil Plumley is a prime exame of a Soldier with 3 CIB's. He didn't get it in WWll because he was in Artillery not Infantry, didn't serve in Korea till after Korean conflict was over. He got it for Vietnam. He never made a combat jump either. USArmy will not correct.
MAJ Glenn Bergeron
SFC Timothy Ross - He gets a star on his CIB (2nd award). Panama and Desert Storm are the same era.
Check out this discussion as well:
Check out this discussion as well:
No I haven't seen anyone with fourth award I have seen many with 2 awards a couple 3 awards those are hard to come by already and a fourth is darn near Impossible
COL Glen Armstrong
Have you forgotten Desert Shield/Storm, Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom?
Not many eligible but several from Vietnam served in later campaigns!
Not many eligible but several from Vietnam served in later campaigns!
SSG Kenneth Ponder
Vietnam, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada.Then after Desert Storm & War on Terror, USArmy rewrote their Reg's specifying time frames and not allowing exception to policy. It's pretty simple.
MAJ Glenn Bergeron
COL Glen Armstrong - Vietnam, Panama, Grenada and Desert Storm would have a single CIB. OIF and OEF woutd get a 2nd award. Tours don't count. Vietnam-Desert Storm is one era, GWOT is another era.
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