Posted on Nov 11, 2014
SSG OH-58D/ARH Helicopter Repairer
I'm on orders to go to Hawaii in January. I'm a single E-6 15S and according to BDE S1/BN S1, I'm headed to the 209th ASB probably B Co. Haven't done the PCS thing before and I'm trying to get some info on where to live, where to avoid, and what to expect. Trying to get myself squared away before I get down there.

I'm also trying to get a line on what to expect job wise when I get there. My career has been all in Line units and in QC so the ASB thing is going to be new. I need to get some leadership time or at least a job that is not going to get me stuck in QC again. Hopefully someone can hook me up with some more info on the unit and what they're hurting for.

I have requested a sponsor as of last week but I haven't heard anything yet. I've also read some of the threads that have been responded to on here so I've got some good starting points. Just trying to get some more specific info now.
Posted in these groups: Images PCS
Edited 10 y ago
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SSG OH-58D/ARH Helicopter Repairer
Edited 10 y ago
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LTC Brigade Aviation Officer
I recommend reaching out to the 25th CAB S1 NCOIC and then the CSM. The CSM places the NCOs within the Battalions of the CAB. You can probably find them here or on the 25th CAB website.
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SFC Brigade Aviation Maintenance Nco
Edited 10 y ago
Hi! I work in the 25th CAB BAMO office and one of my reporting units is the 209th. You will most likely not get pulled into the Cav, as they are set. We had a few new guys come in that were 58 specific and they went to 209th. The unit itself is great, with some really upstanding guys working there. No clue if you would end up in QC again though.
I will be retiring next year, so I won't be around for long after you get here, but I would be glad to show you around a bit.
As for places to live, it really just depends on what you like. I personally like being close to work, but not on post. I live in the town of Mililani, which is just outside post, but is much nicer than Wahiawa. If you want an apartment that is close and quiet, I would recommend the Mililani Tech Park. I pay 1700 a month for a 3 bedroom 2 bath apartment. No AC, but you really don't need it except on a few days during the deep summer. Utilities are high, but not outrageous. Don't forget, you get a really good BAH rate here, and COLA as well. So the costs are more than offset. Definitely look at the for local info.
This place is truly a paradise, but like any place it has its ups and downs. The locals are very friendly, for the most part, but there are some that don't like military folks. The food is amazing, especially the fresh seafood. Sushi is very prevalent here as well as many Asian influences. You mentioned bike riding somewhere in the thread. It is basically year round riding for both bicycles and motorcycles. I hope you love the outdoors, because this place has almost everything you could want. Since moving here, I have taken up Snorkeling and Scuba Diving. Hiking is also amazing here, with some of the most spectacular views anywhere. I do a lot of running and biking here, and the variety for both is amazing as well.
Any other questions you have, feel free to ask.

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