Posted on Dec 15, 2017
Does anyone have some advice for going through DLI?
I'm currently enrolled in Persian Farsi, and every tip helps. I find my difficulty is in listening, so any way I can improve on that would be sincerely helpful. Thank you!
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 5
Hey there. It is a common struggle for people to have trouble. My teachers recommended watching you tube programs in your target area. I would encourage you to find one that you are interested in. Listen to it and watch it then translate little portions of it. Then put the closed captioning on in English to check your work. Go to as many study sessions and last hour classes that you can.
If time permits, look at the call of the question (a,b,c or d) to set you up for the passage to follow. But don’t let the distractors influence what you hear.
SrA (Join to see)
Thank you Sgt, will do! I have a test coming up so I've been prepping a bit and taking some notes, this is going in my notebook!
1st, Thank you for your valiant attempt at learning Persian Farsi. I would recommend reading some Persian poetry out loud and try to increase your speed. Rhythm is everything in learning non-Germanic languages. SrA (Join to see)
SrA (Join to see)
Thank you, A1C! I'll have to find some that I know the majority of the words on, there's still a lot that I don't know, but I'm working on it!
A1C Ian Williams
SrA (Join to see) - Any time. Air Force Power Unite! if you need a speaking partner, feel free to contact me.
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