Posted on Jul 16, 2017
Should Post Commanders be allowed to make uniform rules on post?
I'm at AT in California. The weather is easily 100°+ everyday and we were authorized by our commander to not wear our blouses because it's Heat CAT 5. However, some MG made the decision from his air conditioned office that we are required to wear our blouses regardless of temperature due to danger of sunburn. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't heat stroke more dangerous? What are your thoughts?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 23
You are actually more at risk with the blouse off. The exposed skin will burn, compounding your problems. If you are reasonably fit, stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and observe some work-rest cycles you will be fine. This take your blouse off stuff comes and goes. You are better off sleeves down trousers unbloused.
I have operated for years in heat cat 5 environments. Fort Irwin, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Fort Bragg among others. It ain't the boogey man. You must adapt to it and function in it.
I have operated for years in heat cat 5 environments. Fort Irwin, Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan, Fort Bragg among others. It ain't the boogey man. You must adapt to it and function in it.
LTC Jason Mackay
Army publications are in a pitiful state...we used to have TCs for stuff like this. Here's the best I could find without CaC
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Perfect answer sir. Just need to drink lots of water, and stay hydrated. I know the effects of sun poisoning.
They have for as long as I can remember! At least your not required to wear full battle rattle whenever your outside your hootch including Latrine visits! 100 plus degrees eh? Be glad it's only for the duration of AT. Try 7-15 months without a day off with sleeves down 100% of the time. Welcome to a brief test of the real Army.
He did. That is the way things go. There are many reasons that a uniform may be changed. The CG said wear your blouse so wear your blouse and move out.
SSG Robert Perrotto
I agree with this - you wear it because that is the uniform - do not have to like it - do not have to agree with it - but you damn well be wearing it.
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