Posted on Sep 10, 2014
Maj Chris Nelson
So I found out yesterday that I am being "promoted" to Flight Commander due to my current Flight Commander's retirement. No rank advancement (darn!). I will be the commander over the PRP Clinic, Flight Missile Medicine Clinic, Optometry Clinic, Public Health Clinic (tentitive), and the Health and Wellness Clinic/Center. I will end up needing to update my civilian resume and am not sure of the terms or verbage to use to describe a Nurse in a Flight Commander position such as this. Anyone have any ideas? (for those that are not familiar with AF Command Structure, Flight Command would be approximately the level of Company Commander, but due to AF Structure, often this is a Major or LTC level and LT/CPT is not a command level in most cases like the Army).
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Responses: 4
Maj Chris Nelson
Edited >1 y ago
So, here is what I have put together so far for bullets describing some of my duties (keeping in mind that I should keep it at 3-5 bullets...).

• Manage four distinct clinic areas; Flight Missile Medicine Clinic, Personal Reliability Program Clinic, Optometry Clinic, and Health and Wellness Center
• Supervise 35 military and civilian team members including Administrative Technicians, Medical Technicians, Nurses, Physician’s Assistants, Physicians, and Optometrist.
• Ensure each clinic provides high quality and accessible services
• Certify clinic personnel receive all mandatory training, professional training, and medical readiness training
• Perform Nursing Telephone Triage, Walk-in Nursing Triage, and assist with outpatient care of 1850+ patients.

Here are the 3 potential matching titles that I have found so far....
-Nursing Superintendent
-Nurse Manager
-Medical and Health Services Manager

What do you think? I think the medical and Health Services Manager makes much sense as I am covering a diverse field?? Also, if anyone can make stronger impact statements on any of these, feel free to kick those around also!
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LTC Paul Labrador
First off Congrats! Too bad you aren't getting O-5. I have heard it is hard to get O-5 in the AF as you have a lot less slots, particularly in the Nurse Corps.

Second, it looks like you are taking over a multiple outpatient services. I would equate that as a Director of Outpatient Services if you were in a civilian hospital.
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
>1 y
I like that title!! However, it is not ALL the out patient services in our Clinic.... I don't have Family Practice, Women's Health, Peds, or the services such as lab, xray, pharmacy etc.....

O-5 is certainly not easy in the AF, in addition to that I did not do my PME that would be required to go was a personal choice, and one that I knew would limit me in that exact way.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
Okay, how about Director, Primary Care and Wellness Services....? Or something like that. As a commander you are essentially the Director, and that would tell the civilian world at what level you are operating. A military Chief Nurse would translate to a VP of Nursing or CNO (Chief of Nursing Operations or Chief Nursing Officer). A Head Nurse is a ward/unit Nurse Manager, etc.....
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SGT Richard H.
Maj Chris Nelson perhaps if you could give us a brief synopsis of your duties and a description of what the clinic does someone in civilian healthcare...or just someone good at resume writing...could spitball some ideas.
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
>1 y
I keep my current resume on LinkedIn as an attachement... while I am on my work computer, I have limited access. I also have it on my HOME computer....again, not there. I will post up the current position that I have listed, then will try to explain what is going to be added (because what is happening is that I am going to be commander of the section that I am currently staff nurse some duties will remain, but will add to it). Here is the link to my LinkedIn Profile if you have an account:
SGT Richard H.
SGT Richard H.
>1 y
Sir that last paragraph...about looking for a teaching position....darn sure looks like you shouldn't ave much trouble finding it.
Maj Chris Nelson
Maj Chris Nelson
>1 y
Sgt Hanner, THAT is my hope!! ;-) Time will tell tho! My biggest challenge is currently going to be to change my new duty title into something that makes as much sense to the civilian hiring authority as the rest of it....
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