Posted on Aug 12, 2016
Who would do a better job at reducing the debt: Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump?
No politician runs for office promising to be fiscally irresponsible, but the federal government now finds itself trillions of dollars in debt. Americans would prefer the federal government have less debt, but the problem doesn't seem to affect their day-to-day lives and thus gets lost in the constant churn of the political news cycle. Who would do a better job at reducing the debt: HC or DT?
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
Trump would do better with the economy; HRC would just continue Obama's policies which have not worked despite his administration's injection of Trillions of dollars of cash pulled out of thin air. One must ask oneself what that does to the value of the dollar when the supply is quadrupled.
SSG William Jones
Mr. Trump knows his way around money management. I don't see anything close to that on HRC'S resume'
I'm beginning to wonder if anyone is really concerned about the debt. For many it is simply too large a number to comprehend and thus unreal. For some it is the price of building Utopia and they're happy to support even more debt. I'm afraid that leaves only a few who really grasp the significance of the debt. It's impact not only on the viability of entitlements, but the very govt itself and its ability to mount a defense. Yes, we have the finest people and equipment of any military in the world, but we could not support sustained operations in even one theater.
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