Posted on Apr 25, 2016
Cpl Security Investigator And Trainer
This is just meant to be a fun conversation. I am Marine Ordnanceman so that is my choice. All shops in all services are equally important and work just as hard. Ultimately we all support the grunt on the ground. I'm also interested in the aviation shops in other services.
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 7
Capt Brandon Charters
Cpl (Join to see) This is a fun question. Services Squadron / "MWR" is my pick for glory unit. Combat support & community service. Taking care of people and running all kinds of fun events across the base...doesn't get better than that. Plus, when I was in, they had polo shirt UOD sometimes. I'd join that team anytime!
What about you guys? I'm sure I''ll hear a CE, Ammo, MX, or OG callout somewhere... Maj (Join to see) Lt Col (Join to see) TSgt Grant Kohler Maj (Join to see) SMSgt (Join to see) Maj Walter Kilar Lt Col (Join to see) Col Matthew Fritz 1st Lt Adam Benavides SMSgt Minister Gerald A. Thomas SMSgt Terrence Gonzalez SSgt Wes ODonnell SrA Andrew McCarty Maj (Join to see) Maj Kim Patterson CMSgt (Join to see) Lt Col (Join to see) Capt (Join to see) Maj Tyrone Frost
Lt Col Sexual Assault Prevention & Response Program Manager
Lt Col (Join to see)
>1 y
Capt Brandon Charters they're all my favorite in some way or another. I think my initial vote is for SFS. They're the first one to greet you with a smile each day when going thru the front gate.
Col Matthew Fritz
Col Matthew Fritz
>1 y
Nice question, Capt Brandon Charters, by I'm not biting...sounds like a trap to me :)
Without a doubt, each leg of a stool bears equal weight and responsibility for upholding the primary objective. The same can be said for the teams which make up a Wing--with failure of any portion comes mission effects across the board. Such is life in our smaller, agile force. 2nd and 3rd order effects reverberate across the enterprise should any one not support their share of the load. Choosing a favorite would be like asking which of your kids you like best! As for glory--each earns their own brand of glory based upon their customer, mission, service or product. I, for one, need and love them all!
TSgt Daniel Wareham
TSgt Daniel Wareham
>1 y
The Pee-A-Lots get the most credit... The Nose-Pickers get what's left over. The rest are pretty much ignored.
Capt Adam Saxe
Capt Adam Saxe
>1 y
I used to know how Marine Air Wings were organized, but my memory has gotten a little fuzzy. I *assume* (always dangerous) they have organic combat services support (finance, legal, personnel, MWR, etc). As any USAF wing does, too. But if we're talking about "glory"--of course, it's the operations element and specifically the flying squadrons. Other organizations may have more cush or comfortable jobs, but when it comes to "glory" in an aviation wing, OF COURSE the aircrew get the most glory. And that's how it should be. The purpose of a flying organization is to, well, fly. Literally every single person in an aviation wing who is not aircrew is in support of some kind (and that included me). In the Air Force, this was often difficult to instill in all kinds of non-flyers (officer and enlisted), despite the fact "Air" is in the title of our organization. If you spend your time on the ground, lol, you should probably get the picture.
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SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
When it comes to Army Aviation and especially attack aviation the pilots always get the recognition when it's the Armament Dawgs making it happen day in and day out
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Cpl (Join to see) - Our MOS does Electrical, Avionics, and Armament. If there's a wire, deals with navigation,
Communications, or sighting, or the loading, and unloading of ordnance, that falls on me
And my guys
Cpl Security Investigator And Trainer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) That is interesting in the Navy and the Marine Corps depending on the aircraft that can be two or even three different shops.
SFC Senior Small Group Leader (Ssgl)
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Oh yea I'm tracking lol. Always makes the other branches shake their head when I tell them what I do
TSgt Gwen Walcott
TSgt Gwen Walcott
>1 y
not just the Army ...
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SSgt Ken Tillbrook
Operations gets all the glory (Air Force anyways). But us hard working, hard drinking enlisted wrench turning folks, we have the power. Without us pilots are
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