Posted on Mar 1, 2016
Why does Senator Mitch Mcconnell have such a STRONG Dislike for President Obama?
Responses: 34
Brother, I wish people could stop using the pejorative "obstructionist". In politics, the people on one side always try to block the other side's agenda, or at least they should try, because they're opposed to each other. That's the whole entire point. So of course politicians will want to obstruct the agenda of those on the other side. If the people of the U.S. put one party in the majority of both houses of Congress, just for example, and that party happens to be the opposite of the party that currently holds the presidency, just for example, a reasonable person might suppose that the Congressional majority were placed there, by the people exactly for the purpose of obstructing the executive branch's agenda. We might as well accuse a defense lawyer of being obstructionist because the prosecution wants the accused to get convicted.
Everybody step away from your computers and take a deep breath. This discussion thread is not an invitation to share views of debate reasonably. It is a pejorative, an insult, an expression of hate designed to bring you down to a baser level. Ignore it. Just walk away and find something constructive to do with your time.
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