Posted on Nov 26, 2013
SGT Brendan Beely
I remember when I joined back in 2000, there was a push to transition towards a paper-less army - digital forms and e-mails and such.  But over the years, at least in my experience, it seems as if that has been lost by the wayside.  Now training certificates are to be printed out *and* e-mailed.  In the last two units I've been in, it takes no less than 8 pages of printed material to submit a leave request.

How can we, as a force concerned with sustainability, continue to push towards a more digital system, Army-wide?
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Responses: 3
SGT Thomas Sullivan
We push for a digital system and sustainability through accountability.  Security is always an issue, but in general it has much to do with training soldiers how to keep things digital, and more importantly, training our senior leadership how to adapt to the digital world that our youngsters already live in. Typically a unit is paper based because someone in the system is not good/organized with computers (ie the guy with 560 shortcuts on his desktop), the unit has been paper based forever and the senior leadership utilizes the "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality, or there is a bureaucratic system in place within your unit where you have multiple people wanting to have eyes on the same document.

The idea of a paper trail is a joke, how many times have I turned in a leave form and for it to get sucked into the nothing (Never-Ending story reference), just to have S1/leadership later claim I never turned it in. Accountability is a key factor, and the last thing I want to do is start issuing hand receipts for turned in paperwork.

This is where the digital format of paper makes more sense, you can establish a pretty secure and accurate paper trail by keeping things online/email.
SGT Brendan Beely
SGT Brendan Beely
11 y
I have long lived by the mantra of 'Unless you try new systems, you don't know if your current one works or not'.
SFC Communications Chief (S6)
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>1 y
There's a form for that (receipt of paperwork)
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SGT Gary Frank
You're just asking for trouble to think that the military can handle a paperless system. They do a poor enough job with paper, but can you imagine the nightmare that would cause due to a system crash. At least with a paper trail one can eventually piece everything back together, if a virus gets into the system, well Sorry Charlie. 

Going completely paperless will expose the military to another vulnerability, Cyber Attacks. I am not saying that a digital system is a bad idea, but needs paper as a back up.
SFC Cryptologic Network Warfare Specialist
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Paperless may be a far reach goal. However, there is no reason to print out 5-6 pieces of extra paper to make up a leave packet. If it is so prominent for the information to accompany the DA Form 31, the DA Form 31 needs to be revised. Why would one need to print out TRiPS and vehicle inspection when the SM is staying local and the leave is couple months away? How is the vehicle inspection relevant when it is couple months old or a few weeks old?
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SFC Motor Transport Operator
I personally do not like the digital army, its a pain in my rear. not everyone can afford their smartphone and ipods or whatever.
SGT Thomas Sullivan
SGT Thomas Sullivan
11 y
The military offers financial planning courses to help alleviate your problem in this arena<br>
SFC Cryptologic Network Warfare Specialist
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>1 y
You can use the computers on post, from your office, the computer lab, the library, etc.
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