PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis 1393503 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-105874"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=A+Veteran%27s+Response+to%3A+%E2%80%9CThank+You+For+Your+Service%E2%80%9D&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AA Veteran&#39;s Response to: “Thank You For Your Service”%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/a-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="e150adcb858c08a074f8c08de5330eca" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/105/874/for_gallery_v2/1d5c6cff.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/105/874/large_v3/1d5c6cff.jpg" alt="1d5c6cff" /></a></div></div>The first time someone thanked me for my service, I was a little stunned – I had no idea how to respond. My first reaction was to say “Thank you”, but no, that wasn’t right; “It was my pleasure” was not exactly accurate either. <br /><br />“Umm, you’re welcome?” <br /><br />I had been out of the Navy already for probably ten years, and I had not heard this before. When I first got out, “Thank you for your service” was not a thing. It was just not something that civilians would really have noticed, let alone something for which they would have considered thanking me. No matter how proud I was to have served, to them it was just something to put on my resume. <br /><br />These days, of course, people say it all the time. Everyone says it. In fact, it’s pretty much a pat response. “I was in the Navy.” “Thank You For Your Service. Now where were we?” Indeed, since it is used so much, I sometimes wonder if it’s become passé. Has it come to the point where “Thank You For Your Service” is akin to “Have a nice day.” or “Hi, how are you?” <br /><br />Do people even realize what it is they’re thanking me for? <br /><br />I’m sure my experience was much like a lot of others. Not all, but a lot of us joined because we saw no future for ourselves otherwise. Don’t get me wrong – I was a smart kid who got pretty good grades and could have gone to college. My parents, however, were not financially able to pay for college, or even get loans for me to go to college, and I knew it. And because of our low economic status - or perhaps because my high school academic counselor was getting ready to retire and was just plain tired – I had no idea there were grants and loans I could get with a less than stellar academic record. This was when the internet was still in its infancy, and I thought that unless I had a GPA of 3.8 or higher (which I did not, due to some poor choices I’d made during my Junior year), I would not qualify for financial assistance. I didn’t even bother taking the SATs. So, facing a future in which I delivered pizzas or waited tables to support myself and any hypothetical family I might have, I decided to join the Navy. <br /><br />At the time (I was 19), I didn’t realize that I was signing up to give up everything in service to my country; that I was signing up to live in the same room with 55 other girls and only one bathroom with no doors on the stalls. To spend 20 hours a day studying, running, doing 8-Count Body Builders, folding my clothes just right, and NOT talking to boys for what seemed like an eternity. And it honestly just did not occur to me that I was signing up to risk my life to protect the freedoms, the lifestyles, and the dreams of millions of strangers – of millions of Americans. But that’s what I did. That’s what we all did. And I realized it soon enough. Most, if not all, servicemen and women can tell you about friends they’ve lost to war, about dreams they’ve lost in service, and relationships they’ve lost to long separations. They can tell you stories of trauma, of fear, and of heartbreak. We gave up our freedom, our option to choose, our chance for a normal life, and, for some of us, our very lives, to protect those very same freedoms for millions of people we did not know, and would never know.<br /><br />But for everything we lost to the military, the military gave us so much more in return. It gave us a sense of pride, a sense of honor, and a sense of ourselves that no one else can even imagine. Because of what we gave up, what we sacrificed, because of what we’ve learned, and seen, and done, we are so much more than we could have been. We are not only military, or former military, we are a unit, a brotherhood, a family, and nothing can take that away. <br /><br />So, for everyone out there who says “Thank You For Your Service”, even if you don’t know exactly what it is you’re thanking me for - “You’re welcome.” A Veteran's Response to: “Thank You For Your Service” 2016-03-21T14:28:55-04:00 PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis 1393503 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-105874"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=A+Veteran%27s+Response+to%3A+%E2%80%9CThank+You+For+Your+Service%E2%80%9D&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AA Veteran&#39;s Response to: “Thank You For Your Service”%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/a-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="527aefd25d3184dfa2c26e43704d1756" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/105/874/for_gallery_v2/1d5c6cff.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/105/874/large_v3/1d5c6cff.jpg" alt="1d5c6cff" /></a></div></div>The first time someone thanked me for my service, I was a little stunned – I had no idea how to respond. My first reaction was to say “Thank you”, but no, that wasn’t right; “It was my pleasure” was not exactly accurate either. <br /><br />“Umm, you’re welcome?” <br /><br />I had been out of the Navy already for probably ten years, and I had not heard this before. When I first got out, “Thank you for your service” was not a thing. It was just not something that civilians would really have noticed, let alone something for which they would have considered thanking me. No matter how proud I was to have served, to them it was just something to put on my resume. <br /><br />These days, of course, people say it all the time. Everyone says it. In fact, it’s pretty much a pat response. “I was in the Navy.” “Thank You For Your Service. Now where were we?” Indeed, since it is used so much, I sometimes wonder if it’s become passé. Has it come to the point where “Thank You For Your Service” is akin to “Have a nice day.” or “Hi, how are you?” <br /><br />Do people even realize what it is they’re thanking me for? <br /><br />I’m sure my experience was much like a lot of others. Not all, but a lot of us joined because we saw no future for ourselves otherwise. Don’t get me wrong – I was a smart kid who got pretty good grades and could have gone to college. My parents, however, were not financially able to pay for college, or even get loans for me to go to college, and I knew it. And because of our low economic status - or perhaps because my high school academic counselor was getting ready to retire and was just plain tired – I had no idea there were grants and loans I could get with a less than stellar academic record. This was when the internet was still in its infancy, and I thought that unless I had a GPA of 3.8 or higher (which I did not, due to some poor choices I’d made during my Junior year), I would not qualify for financial assistance. I didn’t even bother taking the SATs. So, facing a future in which I delivered pizzas or waited tables to support myself and any hypothetical family I might have, I decided to join the Navy. <br /><br />At the time (I was 19), I didn’t realize that I was signing up to give up everything in service to my country; that I was signing up to live in the same room with 55 other girls and only one bathroom with no doors on the stalls. To spend 20 hours a day studying, running, doing 8-Count Body Builders, folding my clothes just right, and NOT talking to boys for what seemed like an eternity. And it honestly just did not occur to me that I was signing up to risk my life to protect the freedoms, the lifestyles, and the dreams of millions of strangers – of millions of Americans. But that’s what I did. That’s what we all did. And I realized it soon enough. Most, if not all, servicemen and women can tell you about friends they’ve lost to war, about dreams they’ve lost in service, and relationships they’ve lost to long separations. They can tell you stories of trauma, of fear, and of heartbreak. We gave up our freedom, our option to choose, our chance for a normal life, and, for some of us, our very lives, to protect those very same freedoms for millions of people we did not know, and would never know.<br /><br />But for everything we lost to the military, the military gave us so much more in return. It gave us a sense of pride, a sense of honor, and a sense of ourselves that no one else can even imagine. Because of what we gave up, what we sacrificed, because of what we’ve learned, and seen, and done, we are so much more than we could have been. We are not only military, or former military, we are a unit, a brotherhood, a family, and nothing can take that away. <br /><br />So, for everyone out there who says “Thank You For Your Service”, even if you don’t know exactly what it is you’re thanking me for - “You’re welcome.” A Veteran's Response to: “Thank You For Your Service” 2016-03-21T14:28:55-04:00 2016-03-21T14:28:55-04:00 SSG Jason Cherry 1393508 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just say thank you to them in return, but it is kind of awkward sometimes. I appreciate it, really, but I guess I just never really thought about all I have been giving up until I am now looking at rejoining the civilian population. Response by SSG Jason Cherry made Mar 21 at 2016 2:32 PM 2016-03-21T14:32:22-04:00 2016-03-21T14:32:22-04:00 Capt Tom Brown 1393517 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>And thanks to you <a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="283593" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/283593-po3-celesta-fox-parks-davis">PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis</a> for your service. I believe that most people really appreciate what you did and the sacrifices you made, even if they do not fully understand or quite realize what you went through and what you signed up for. What you say is very true and all of us can take it to heart. Response by Capt Tom Brown made Mar 21 at 2016 2:37 PM 2016-03-21T14:37:49-04:00 2016-03-21T14:37:49-04:00 SGM Mikel Dawson 1393521 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always feel a little bewildered and usually just say &quot;thank you&quot;. After a while, I do wonder, do they really mean it or are they just saying it because it is the &quot;in&quot; thing to say. I don&#39;t wear a &quot;Vet&quot; hat or such. When in the States, I&#39;ve had a store or two, when I&#39;m getting ready to check out, look at me and ask if I&#39;ve a vet, I&#39;ll then reply and they will then say I get a discount, which I promptly thank them very much. Response by SGM Mikel Dawson made Mar 21 at 2016 2:40 PM 2016-03-21T14:40:05-04:00 2016-03-21T14:40:05-04:00 MAJ Ken Landgren 1393551 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Nice essay you have written. I say, &quot;You are welcome, this is a great country.&quot; Response by MAJ Ken Landgren made Mar 21 at 2016 2:59 PM 2016-03-21T14:59:24-04:00 2016-03-21T14:59:24-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 1393580 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say "absolutely". Just fits for me Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 21 at 2016 3:22 PM 2016-03-21T15:22:40-04:00 2016-03-21T15:22:40-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1393608 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You could respond with &quot;Thank you for your service as well.&quot; If they respond that they never served, then remind them that there are other ways to serve than being in the military. Teachers, police, firefighters, volunteers at the local soup kitchen, we all can and should serve. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 21 at 2016 3:36 PM 2016-03-21T15:36:32-04:00 2016-03-21T15:36:32-04:00 SP5 Mark Kuzinski 1393618 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Great post!! Response by SP5 Mark Kuzinski made Mar 21 at 2016 3:39 PM 2016-03-21T15:39:17-04:00 2016-03-21T15:39:17-04:00 Rick Wiseman 1393748 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My responses have been wide ranging. The best I've found for me is, "It was my honor to have served." I try to get away from the subject as quickly as possible after that to avoid the inevitable questions. I'm always greatful though people recognize the sacrifices we have made. Like you, it wasn't like this when I ETS'd in the mid 90's. Good read... Response by Rick Wiseman made Mar 21 at 2016 4:41 PM 2016-03-21T16:41:05-04:00 2016-03-21T16:41:05-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 1393842 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I fly monthly to the USA from Canada and back in uniform and TSA and others thank me every time! People still care! I am on a flight right now going back to Canada. God Bless them all! Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 21 at 2016 5:31 PM 2016-03-21T17:31:56-04:00 2016-03-21T17:31:56-04:00 SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth 1393870 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My comment back was: you are welcome. Keep it simple. Remember the acronym KISS. Response by SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth made Mar 21 at 2016 5:43 PM 2016-03-21T17:43:33-04:00 2016-03-21T17:43:33-04:00 SGT Jerrold Pesz 1393981 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am still sometimes a little at a loss as to what to say when people thank me for my service but I do always thank them. I do appreciate it. It is so different from what I heard for many years. I still remember being called &quot;baby killer&quot; and worse and having to repaint my car because such comments were twice scratched into my paint. It wasn&#39;t until 2006 that I actually felt safe to put veteran&#39;s license plates on my car and to wear an Army ball cap. I didn&#39;t understand why so many people hated us so much for doing what I thought was our duty as Americans. Having several family members who are currently career military and one who recently retired I am glad that they did not have to be subjected to such and I sincerely hope that our service men and women never are in the future. Response by SGT Jerrold Pesz made Mar 21 at 2016 6:30 PM 2016-03-21T18:30:17-04:00 2016-03-21T18:30:17-04:00 SGT Rick Ash 1394013 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>PO3 Celesta (Fox, Parks) Davis<br />I agree with you, it has become at pat response. PEOPLE don't even listen to you at all. I have an experiment I started at least 3 years ago and NOT ONE individual has caught on, let alone asked me to repeat what I just said. When I run into someone I know and always at any checkout in any store I will say:<br />"How, high are you?" <br />Their ears hear the words but the brain hears the "normal" "Hi, how are you"!<br />My post to you was just delayed by 40 minutes, a fellow vet from Arkansas called me about another forum call we have on Monday night. Very interesting call....<br />So, Thank You for YOUR service and I really mean it. I am a 100% Disabled VA vet, still fighting the VA for compensation. Every claim and appeal denied, the NOD (Notice of Disagreement) is moving along well.<br />Rick Response by SGT Rick Ash made Mar 21 at 2016 6:41 PM 2016-03-21T18:41:57-04:00 2016-03-21T18:41:57-04:00 MSgt John Taylor 1394017 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;It was/is my honor to serve&quot; Response by MSgt John Taylor made Mar 21 at 2016 6:46 PM 2016-03-21T18:46:35-04:00 2016-03-21T18:46:35-04:00 Capt Mark Strobl 1394031 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>"You're welcome" works just fine. You're simply acknowledging an act of gratitude. Response by Capt Mark Strobl made Mar 21 at 2016 6:52 PM 2016-03-21T18:52:28-04:00 2016-03-21T18:52:28-04:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 1394229 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response is generally the following: Thank you for the support! I have never understood why people have issues with being thanked but it never occurred to me to say anything other than you're welcome and what I provided above. I like to say thank you for the support to let them know I acknowledged their thank you and appreciate their taking the time to say it. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 21 at 2016 8:52 PM 2016-03-21T20:52:09-04:00 2016-03-21T20:52:09-04:00 CW2 Fred Baker 1394496 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Try, "Thank you for your support." Response by CW2 Fred Baker made Mar 21 at 2016 11:34 PM 2016-03-21T23:34:06-04:00 2016-03-21T23:34:06-04:00 SFC Marcus Belt 1394902 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I used to be very uncomfortable when people said this, but I have a mental "trick" that I use to make it less awkward. What I do is I think about whatever part of my job I REALLY DISLIKE. I think the cognitive dissonance arises because on some level, they're thanking us for doing something we enjoy doing. The "thanker" is probably thanking us for deployments and acts of personal courage, physical fitness and long hours. <br /><br />The dissonance is that most of us don't mind those elements. <br /><br />What they need to thank me for is time wasted in endless meetings. And SHARP, EO slides. And writing evals. Response by SFC Marcus Belt made Mar 22 at 2016 8:29 AM 2016-03-22T08:29:12-04:00 2016-03-22T08:29:12-04:00 SFC(P) Private RallyPoint Member 1394963 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I have run into a number of people who are not just paying lip service. When someone thanks me, I typically respond with, "Thank you. It is an honor to serve." Sometimes I tell them that they made my day. If it is a Vietnam veteran, I usually thank them for their support a little more fervently because they had such a hard time when they came home. Whoever it is, I always take the time to acknowledge their gratitude. Response by SFC(P) Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 22 at 2016 8:52 AM 2016-03-22T08:52:05-04:00 2016-03-22T08:52:05-04:00 1LT Joe Baker 1395160 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>"We appreciate your support" is my typical response.<br /><br />I think the awkwardness many of us feel around this expression of gratitude has its roots in two things. First is that, in my opinion, service members are usually humble. So, being thanked for something we consider to be our job almost seems unnecessary. Secondly (and maybe tied to the first) is the power/rank structure of the military. We were never thanked for finishing BT, were only pushed harder (again without thanks) to score high on PT tests, and so on.<br /><br />When we're thanked for our service, people are showing their appreciation for all of those things we were never thanked for within the ranks. So, take it and tell them that you appreciate their support! Response by 1LT Joe Baker made Mar 22 at 2016 9:50 AM 2016-03-22T09:50:36-04:00 2016-03-22T09:50:36-04:00 TSgt William Meyer 1396616 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I guess having a service dog puts me in the spotlight more than other veterans, but I always just gave a polite thank you sir/ma'am. Response by TSgt William Meyer made Mar 22 at 2016 5:17 PM 2016-03-22T17:17:35-04:00 2016-03-22T17:17:35-04:00 CSM Private RallyPoint Member 1397152 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just say, &quot;It&#39;s my honor&quot;. Response by CSM Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 22 at 2016 9:43 PM 2016-03-22T21:43:06-04:00 2016-03-22T21:43:06-04:00 CPT Enrique M. 1398058 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I get choked up to be honest, I just got commissioned and even though it has been a short stint right now for me. I tend to look at it its not really just thanking me but all of those who are currently serving or served before me. Therefore I thank them for their support which seems a lot more fitting. Response by CPT Enrique M. made Mar 23 at 2016 9:16 AM 2016-03-23T09:16:10-04:00 2016-03-23T09:16:10-04:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 1402058 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just say thank you, it does more good for the person who says it than for us. I sometimes add "don't forget this is the greatest country in the world!" ppl that have the mindset to thank us for our service really light up when they hear SMs saying that. Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 24 at 2016 5:25 PM 2016-03-24T17:25:04-04:00 2016-03-24T17:25:04-04:00 MSgt Mike Ruikka 1403373 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Don't be ashamed or embarrassed when someone says thank you. Thank them for their support. Response by MSgt Mike Ruikka made Mar 25 at 2016 8:52 AM 2016-03-25T08:52:13-04:00 2016-03-25T08:52:13-04:00 PO3 James Bobiney 1442498 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say thank you for your support. I say thx for recognizing. Or sometimes I say Thank you, and you're welcome. Sometimes I'm caught off guard when somebody says it and I don't know what to say before they have walked away already. I always make it a point to thank service members or vets if it's obvious they are when I am in places that there is a lot of military. Like airports or military towns, such as Cheyenne, WY. I visit my folks there a lot. <br />Anyway, thank you for your service. Response by PO3 James Bobiney made Apr 10 at 2016 5:24 AM 2016-04-10T05:24:39-04:00 2016-04-10T05:24:39-04:00 COL Lee Flemming 1773713 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Was just about to share this sentiment. Well expressed and stated! Response by COL Lee Flemming made Aug 3 at 2016 5:39 AM 2016-08-03T05:39:04-04:00 2016-08-03T05:39:04-04:00 SGT James Szewczyk 2708596 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>my response is &quot;I was honored to serve&quot; and if the situation fits also comment &quot;please remember freedom is not free&quot; Response by SGT James Szewczyk made Jul 6 at 2017 11:06 PM 2017-07-06T23:06:01-04:00 2017-07-06T23:06:01-04:00 LCpl Bob Warne 3215260 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It was my honor Response by LCpl Bob Warne made Dec 31 at 2017 11:11 PM 2017-12-31T23:11:01-05:00 2017-12-31T23:11:01-05:00 SFC Robert Walton 3504945 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This was awesome well written and well stated I saved a copy Hope you don&#39;t Mind. If you do say so and I will erase it. Most of all Thank You for your Service. Response by SFC Robert Walton made Apr 2 at 2018 9:35 AM 2018-04-02T09:35:59-04:00 2018-04-02T09:35:59-04:00 SGT Steve McFarland 4830362 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-349756"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=A+Veteran%27s+Response+to%3A+%E2%80%9CThank+You+For+Your+Service%E2%80%9D&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AA Veteran&#39;s Response to: “Thank You For Your Service”%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/a-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="672035815c5015e6f26fe51b5336741d" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/349/756/for_gallery_v2/07738e91.jpg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/349/756/large_v3/07738e91.jpg" alt="07738e91" /></a></div></div>We are a breed-apart, a special-family. Thank you for your service Brothers and Sisters! Response by SGT Steve McFarland made Jul 20 at 2019 11:11 AM 2019-07-20T11:11:36-04:00 2019-07-20T11:11:36-04:00 PO3 James Bobiney 4831110 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am brought to this post again because Sgt McFarland, Thank You for your Service, Bro, thumbs upped my comment below somewhere. But as I re-read your post I am reminded of my recent trip to Texas to see my oldest Daughter, who is a teacher in Round Rock. On the way down I stopped at several bases. I am a 100%er and like to check out bases I&#39;ve never been too or not been to in awhile. I was on NAS JRB in Ft Worth in the Military Clothing Store, and like always, I tell the SM&#39;s thank you for their service. I always wear a Veterans ball cap. Either Army or Navy, since I was both. As I thanked one Female AF SSG, she responded with &quot;Absolutely&quot;. I&#39;d never heard that one before, and I paused and told her what an awesome and unique way to respond. I told her because I never know what to say when people thank me. Sometimes I say thank you back. Or thanks for the support, or just &quot;you bet&quot;. She smiled and told me thank you.<br /><br /> Today in Cheyenne, I visit my folks here once a month from Montana, Murdoch&#39;s Ranch &amp; Home Supply was hosting the local 4H fund raiser like they do every quarter or so. Twenty five cent Hamburgers and Hot Dogs and chips and drinks, and a Bake Sale too. But it&#39;s mostly girls running it, a few boys. But Cheyenne is a Military town, what with the huge VAMC here and F.E. Warren AFB. You will always see Veterans and SM&#39;s at events. <br /><br /> I walked over to the Man with the Viet Nam Veteran Cap on eating his burgers with his wife and told him welcome home. He didn&#39;t know what to say. He didn&#39;t need to say anything in my mind. I walked off to get back in line where Mom was waiting and one of the 4H Boys that was walking by stopped to shake my hand and say &quot;Thank you for your service&quot;. Caught off guard a little on that one, I just told him &quot;Hey thanks, Man&quot;. We got up to the tables and got our food and I scooted to the next table to tell the Girls I did not want a drink, I have one in the car. Both of them in unison said &quot;Thanks for your service&quot;. More prepared for it that time I told them &quot;Absolutely! Thank you! I&#39;d do it all again if I had to. I loved it!&quot; Their eyes lit up! <br /><br /> To be honest, I don&#39;t think anybody who says thank you for your service knows what to expect. The same way I think anyone who receives the thanks really knows what exactly to say. We answer the best we can with good intentions. We, hopefully, try to make the Civilian saying thanks feel appreciated somehow for thanking us. I always try to make it a point to tell Civilians that it is they who keep our great Nation running while we are serving on their behalf and behalf of our Country. It can&#39;t just be one sided, in my opinion. They do their part here at home as well.<br /><br /> So, after re-reading your post and having a tear well up in my eye after today&#39;s events and the many thank yous and your welcomes said, I would just like to tell you PO3 Davis, thank you for your service. Thanks for a wonderful post and perspective. Hooah and Hooyah. :)<br /><br />Oh, and btw. I was an HM also. Corpsman Up! Response by PO3 James Bobiney made Jul 20 at 2019 3:11 PM 2019-07-20T15:11:39-04:00 2019-07-20T15:11:39-04:00 SPC Robin Price-Dirks 4838280 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I not only get &quot;Thank you for your service&quot; but I wear a hat that says &quot;Cold War Veteran&quot;. I get &quot;Thank God you&#39;re home&quot; and &quot; it must be bad over there&quot; or worst of all &quot; When was the Cold War&quot; from those who are a little more lucid. I have grey hair and am 25 with 35 years of experience, ie 60. I have politely explained to people who ask when it was and when it ended ( not really ) but I still don&#39;t feel appropriate, or I haven&#39;t thought of a better response yet. Yes we had terrorists (Bader-Mienhof) but they weren&#39;t like what we have now. We had bombings (General Haigs vehicle got blown up) but no IED&#39;s. I lost friends but it was due to stupid preventable accidents...….. Response by SPC Robin Price-Dirks made Jul 22 at 2019 9:53 PM 2019-07-22T21:53:54-04:00 2019-07-22T21:53:54-04:00 SFC Ralph E Kelley 5054987 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always respond with, &quot;Thank you for being a good citizen.&quot; Response by SFC Ralph E Kelley made Sep 24 at 2019 8:43 AM 2019-09-24T08:43:09-04:00 2019-09-24T08:43:09-04:00 MSgt Ben Jones 5056237 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you. I would gladly do it again. Response by MSgt Ben Jones made Sep 24 at 2019 3:18 PM 2019-09-24T15:18:25-04:00 2019-09-24T15:18:25-04:00 CPO Mark Bell 5056734 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Honestly, it feels like another life - another time. Sometimes I say, &quot;Best time of my life. I&#39;m glad we have a country worth serving!&quot; Other times just, &quot;Thanks&quot;. It has been hard to share with anyone what that was like - serving. I started out in the Marine Corp in 04/77 (E-4). There I was involved in the Desert Survival Training for the failed Iranian hostage rescue we lost some good men there. After fighter jet coverage was pulled at the last min. with our CH-53&#39;s and C-130&#39;s already in the air over Iranian territory things just went wrong. I decided to become a pilot after that and upon my EAS date transferred to the US Army and had one day between that and the Army 04/1980 (WO Flight Candidate at Fort Rucker, Al.), (there was a Reduction in Force after the flight training and the Army didn&#39;t need so many Helo Pilots so, they let me out of my 6 year enlistment. 04/81) then was out and worked in Law Enforcement/EMS/Fire fighting for a few years then served the rest of my career in the US Navy. I was injured and medically retired in 2001, (E-7, made the E-8 list but was Medically Retired, big disappointment!). Was at the London Command Center during the attack on Lybia keeping the Admiral (CINCUSNAVEUR) up to date on the progress. Visited with and dined with Vaclav Haval in London before the wall fell and as he was preparing to govern a free Czech nation (a Czech statesman, writer and former leader of the Czech government in exile in London, UK, who served as the last President of Czechoslovakia from 1989 until the dissolution of Czechoslovakia in 1992 and then as the first President of the Czech Republic), boarded and visited with crew of a Soviet Salava Class missile ship in Portsmouth, UK. (For a pair of Levi&#39;s one of the crew let me into the missile launch room) Earned my CAR in Desert Storm as a 3905, and got to serve on the USS Missouri, USS Wisconsin, USS LaSalle, TAD and all over the theater. Was on the USS Tripoli when she hit an Iraqi sea mine (Injured but cleared for duty by the HM1) We (Lt. Burkheart and IS 1 Rucker) were the only ones doing the intel job we were doing on board. That night I shredded Keying material with a CT as the ship listed 15 degrees with progressive flooding. Flew to shore after 4 days of constant damage control, then into Kuwait, and to the Children&#39;s Hospital in Kuwait city to collect Intel on the atrocities there (The images of the dead children and nurses who sacrificed everything for them still wake me up at night. Those who survived the horrible ordeal were so thankful for our liberation of the hospital and city). Served in the Former Yugoslavia, Bosnia SFOR FOB Gorazda during the 1999 bombing of Serbia. Collecting Human Intel on the ground. Was given the opportunity to ride the USS LaSalle down to Oman and get some R&amp;R. On the trip back my Intel buddy and I volunteered to take the last watch in port for the regular Intel crew. They all came back &quot;unfit for duty&quot; if you know what I mean. <br /> So I took the Intel watch that night for them. as we passed through the Strait of Hormuze we were attacked by the IRGC with 13 Boghammers armed with mortars and AK-47&#39;s. The Captian called down and said who is attacking us - I told him the only unfriendly in the area was the IRGC and in my opinion, we would have to return fire. We did and 6 Bogghammers with 13 Iranians were sunk and killed in short order. Enough with the stories. My injuries both physical and mental (PTSD) caught up with me. I Rounded out my time in the Navy waiting out a medical board in Portsmouth Naval Hospital and served at the Portsmouth Facilities Command. Best time of my life! I glad we have a country worth serving! God Bless America! Thanks for letting me vent and open up gentleman. Respect for all you have done. Response by CPO Mark Bell made Sep 24 at 2019 5:58 PM 2019-09-24T17:58:54-04:00 2019-09-24T17:58:54-04:00 CPO Kim Hanthorn 5057263 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>OUTSTANDING Shipmate! BZ Being humble is the Key. Response by CPO Kim Hanthorn made Sep 24 at 2019 9:45 PM 2019-09-24T21:45:47-04:00 2019-09-24T21:45:47-04:00 SSG Steven Bison 5057499 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I get a lot of smiles when i say &quot;you were worth it&quot; Response by SSG Steven Bison made Sep 24 at 2019 11:53 PM 2019-09-24T23:53:53-04:00 2019-09-24T23:53:53-04:00 Capt Daniel Goodman 5057996 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I generally find I tend to have rather the same reaction...I gather the whole thing is a fairly recent advent, clearly since all of 9/11, obv, I&#39;ve gathered as well, though I quite perceive your point, certainly..... Response by Capt Daniel Goodman made Sep 25 at 2019 7:07 AM 2019-09-25T07:07:20-04:00 2019-09-25T07:07:20-04:00 SPC Glen "G. Warren" Johnson 5085918 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response has always been, &quot;Thank you for your support&quot;. Response by SPC Glen "G. Warren" Johnson made Oct 3 at 2019 8:45 AM 2019-10-03T08:45:46-04:00 2019-10-03T08:45:46-04:00 SrA Charles (David) Decker 5087925 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I read this, and you made my eyes water, thank you. Response by SrA Charles (David) Decker made Oct 3 at 2019 6:37 PM 2019-10-03T18:37:56-04:00 2019-10-03T18:37:56-04:00 Sgt Mike Williams 5088324 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div><a class="dark-link bold-link" role="profile-hover" data-qtip-container="body" data-id="283593" data-source-page-controller="question_response_contents" href="/profiles/283593-po3-celesta-fox-parks-davis">PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis</a> , great post! I know it&#39;s 3 yrs old but still (or maybe even more) relevant now. Individuals have individual reasons why they say it, I think. Some wish THEY had served, some have family members that did and have respect &amp; admiration, some just say it because they think they&#39;re supposed to. Reasons vary, I would guess, but what gets me is when a Veteran is indignant when someone says it because they feel they didn&#39;t do much during their service. I&#39;ve had to explain to a couple of Veterans that I&#39;ve heard this from that it isn&#39;t so much what we did, but instead what we were willing to do for our country. Response by Sgt Mike Williams made Oct 3 at 2019 9:19 PM 2019-10-03T21:19:05-04:00 2019-10-03T21:19:05-04:00 CPO James Johnson 5090412 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>A most excellent response and explanation! Thank YOU for your service, Shipmate! Response by CPO James Johnson made Oct 4 at 2019 1:30 PM 2019-10-04T13:30:17-04:00 2019-10-04T13:30:17-04:00 TSgt Larry Johnson 5096098 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I try to always put aside my feelings, and remember that they are really thanking all Veterans. Those that we worked with, and those that we lost. I think they are not thinking of me specifically, but my family of Military Veterans. You are thanking them, or saying thank you for your support, or whatever positive thing you say in return. Saying it with a smile, that is what is important. Response by TSgt Larry Johnson made Oct 6 at 2019 11:05 AM 2019-10-06T11:05:33-04:00 2019-10-06T11:05:33-04:00 SCPO Lonny Randolph 5103902 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I respond with a polite &quot;you are welcome&quot; or &quot;thank you for letting me serve&quot; or something similar... having said that...<br />When I finished boot in 1973 and went to visit my high school in my brand new Cracker Jacks I was proud to be a member of the finest Navy in the world. Then a &quot;former friend&quot; spit on my shoe and called me a baby killer. Having just finished boot I found it curious that I had been in contact with any babies much less killed them. I was not happy about my shoe and he wasn&#39;t happy with the place I put that shoe in response...<br />During Desert Storm 1 just before I retired I had to go into town to get a case of locktite for engineering on the ship. As I sat there at a stop light, a gentleman spied me through the winshield, all resplendent in my Khakis with ribbons, piss cutter and what not; he stopped in front of my car, executed a neat turn to the right and rendered me a snappy hand salute. I returned same and left somewhat bemused. In twenty years I had gone from scum to hero - all while doing the same thing.<br />I appreciate it when someone says &quot;thank you for your service&quot; and they mean it, on the other hand I find it vaguely insulting when some zit encrusted teenager at McDucks mumbles the sentiment because the boss said so... Regardless, I respond politely because I should, but I&#39;d rather not hear it if folks don&#39;t mean it.<br />For those on active duty these days, I&#39;m happy for all of them that they are all now instant heroes straight out of boot - I honor their service as brothers and sisters of the cloth because I know what that service means, but hope that they won&#39;t let it go to their heads; &quot;the love of the crowd is fleeting and fickle&quot;. Nuttin but love tho... Response by SCPO Lonny Randolph made Oct 8 at 2019 1:55 PM 2019-10-08T13:55:51-04:00 2019-10-08T13:55:51-04:00 Cpl Stephen Overton 5104323 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It was an honor to serve. Response by Cpl Stephen Overton made Oct 8 at 2019 4:07 PM 2019-10-08T16:07:36-04:00 2019-10-08T16:07:36-04:00 TSgt George Rodriguez 5104420 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response is, It was my duty as well as my honor to serve my christian God, my family and my country. I stand and salute the flag but I will kneel before the cross. Response by TSgt George Rodriguez made Oct 8 at 2019 4:35 PM 2019-10-08T16:35:40-04:00 2019-10-08T16:35:40-04:00 SGT David Petree 5104502 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I wish you a good day . that is what I tell vet`s I meet in passing . I tell every body else that they are welcome . you have said it all hear, what most of us fell about this. Response by SGT David Petree made Oct 8 at 2019 4:56 PM 2019-10-08T16:56:07-04:00 2019-10-08T16:56:07-04:00 CW4 Craig Urban 5105612 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>They still call me Chief. 30 years later Response by CW4 Craig Urban made Oct 8 at 2019 11:44 PM 2019-10-08T23:44:16-04:00 2019-10-08T23:44:16-04:00 CPO LeRoy Hornack 5107967 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When thanked for my service, I reply, “I served for God and country”....ALWAYS rec’ve a <br />‘well done’ Chief, most proper reply, Bless you.....<br />L W Hornack<br />VPO USN (Ret). Response by CPO LeRoy Hornack made Oct 9 at 2019 2:25 PM 2019-10-09T14:25:21-04:00 2019-10-09T14:25:21-04:00 SGT Shannon Weaver Logan 5125551 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say to people who thank me for my service is thank you for your support. I have never been sure what to say and when I was at the Va 2 years ago I heard a older gentleman saying that. It seems like a decent thing to say to people. Response by SGT Shannon Weaver Logan made Oct 14 at 2019 10:03 AM 2019-10-14T10:03:14-04:00 2019-10-14T10:03:14-04:00 SGT Ed Matyjasik 5127336 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Welcome Home sister! Response by SGT Ed Matyjasik made Oct 14 at 2019 6:26 PM 2019-10-14T18:26:02-04:00 2019-10-14T18:26:02-04:00 CDR Bob Lange 5139699 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Since I retired with 26 years active service and 100% service connected disability, I reply, &quot;Thank you for your tax dollars.&quot; Response by CDR Bob Lange made Oct 18 at 2019 1:11 AM 2019-10-18T01:11:36-04:00 2019-10-18T01:11:36-04:00 1SG Private RallyPoint Member 5142947 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response always is “thank you for your support”. Response by 1SG Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 18 at 2019 8:44 PM 2019-10-18T20:44:03-04:00 2019-10-18T20:44:03-04:00 CPO LeRoy Hornack 5142969 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My answer is simple and straight forward.....I served for. God and Country....not once have I had response that wasn’t humbly offered.<br />L.W. Hornack <br />BMC USN (Ret) Response by CPO LeRoy Hornack made Oct 18 at 2019 8:55 PM 2019-10-18T20:55:31-04:00 2019-10-18T20:55:31-04:00 Maj Private RallyPoint Member 5143353 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My issue is with those that say it and are obviously not sincere or don’t understand what they are really thanking me for. Far too many out there that don’t respect military service. Response by Maj Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 19 at 2019 12:14 AM 2019-10-19T00:14:18-04:00 2019-10-19T00:14:18-04:00 PV2 Glen Lewis 5144750 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about you&#39;re welcome and leave it at that. Response by PV2 Glen Lewis made Oct 19 at 2019 1:00 PM 2019-10-19T13:00:50-04:00 2019-10-19T13:00:50-04:00 TSgt Ken Vandevoort 5185311 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was off active duty for 17 years before I heard it for the first time at a church Memorial Day service. I still have a difficult time responding and all of the suggestions here are helpful. It also took me awhile before I started using veterans&#39; parking spaces at stores. It was a lot different in 1971 than it is today and I am still adjusting. Response by TSgt Ken Vandevoort made Oct 31 at 2019 12:01 AM 2019-10-31T00:01:45-04:00 2019-10-31T00:01:45-04:00 PO3 Gary Higgins 5201479 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually respond with it was an honor, or as my youngest son response is thank you for caring which I also use. Response by PO3 Gary Higgins made Nov 4 at 2019 4:45 PM 2019-11-04T16:45:58-05:00 2019-11-04T16:45:58-05:00 Maj Robert Larkowski 5211269 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about, &quot;Thank You for your support&quot; Response by Maj Robert Larkowski made Nov 7 at 2019 11:31 AM 2019-11-07T11:31:54-05:00 2019-11-07T11:31:54-05:00 SPC James Jackson 5212922 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually respond with &#39;it was an honor and a privilege sir/ma&#39;am.&#39; Response by SPC James Jackson made Nov 7 at 2019 8:50 PM 2019-11-07T20:50:13-05:00 2019-11-07T20:50:13-05:00 CWO3 Warren Gaudreau 5214632 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Perfectly stated. Response by CWO3 Warren Gaudreau made Nov 8 at 2019 10:42 AM 2019-11-08T10:42:03-05:00 2019-11-08T10:42:03-05:00 SPC Andrew Murray 5217137 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You could respond with &quot;yeah I am pretty awesome aren&#39;t I?&quot; Probably won&#39;t have to deal with being thanked by that person again :) Response by SPC Andrew Murray made Nov 9 at 2019 6:08 AM 2019-11-09T06:08:23-05:00 2019-11-09T06:08:23-05:00 CW3 Michael Bodnar 5249111 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m always polite and say that it&#39;s my sincerest pleasure to done the uniform. That usually strikes up a conversation. Response by CW3 Michael Bodnar made Nov 18 at 2019 8:23 AM 2019-11-18T08:23:22-05:00 2019-11-18T08:23:22-05:00 COL Private RallyPoint Member 5265624 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It was my honor. I&#39;d been in 22 yrs, three wars and one to go, when I was &#39;thanked&#39; the very first time - by anyone, in uniform, friends, or family. It&#39;s a nice thing that has happened and should be respected. Things could be way, way worse. Response by COL Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 22 at 2019 9:24 PM 2019-11-22T21:24:44-05:00 2019-11-22T21:24:44-05:00 SSG Sidney Galloway 5266805 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I state, &quot;Thank you for your appreciation.&quot; Response by SSG Sidney Galloway made Nov 23 at 2019 9:28 AM 2019-11-23T09:28:59-05:00 2019-11-23T09:28:59-05:00 PO2 Kriss Sprinkle 5271559 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks for your post, PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis! Response by PO2 Kriss Sprinkle made Nov 24 at 2019 5:42 PM 2019-11-24T17:42:44-05:00 2019-11-24T17:42:44-05:00 COL Ed Gibson 5282020 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>WW11 Veteran response&quot; It was an Honor to serve our country&quot; Response by COL Ed Gibson made Nov 27 at 2019 11:44 AM 2019-11-27T11:44:27-05:00 2019-11-27T11:44:27-05:00 CPT Ian Stewart 5282432 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Because I have veteran plates on my pickup, I often am thanked for my service by strangers and I thank them in return. Unfortunately, I get stopped on the interstate for speeding more often than I like to admit (old habits from tours in Germany are hard to shake). So far I&#39;ve been pretty lucky and have not received a ticket, but I have always been thanked for my service. I always make it a point of thanking the officer for their service. Response by CPT Ian Stewart made Nov 27 at 2019 1:54 PM 2019-11-27T13:54:41-05:00 2019-11-27T13:54:41-05:00 SP5 Jorge Maspons 5316689 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I enlisted for three years, Upon separation from active service I enlisted in the National Guard and served for 20 additional years. I served in Vietnam/Cambodia and recalled two times (Desert Storm) and Louisiana State emergencies. No regrets, I did not join for benefits although that did come later. I joined because I love my country Response by SP5 Jorge Maspons made Dec 7 at 2019 7:07 AM 2019-12-07T07:07:30-05:00 2019-12-07T07:07:30-05:00 MAJ Private RallyPoint Member 5322518 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well said Response by MAJ Private RallyPoint Member made Dec 8 at 2019 7:31 PM 2019-12-08T19:31:18-05:00 2019-12-08T19:31:18-05:00 CAPT Patrick Mulcahy 5323324 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response has been, &quot;Thanks for your support.&quot; Response by CAPT Patrick Mulcahy made Dec 9 at 2019 12:39 AM 2019-12-09T00:39:10-05:00 2019-12-09T00:39:10-05:00 SPC Janet Davenport 5347673 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If it&#39;s another veteran I say thank you for your service as well, if i dont know if they gave served I say thank you for your support. Response by SPC Janet Davenport made Dec 15 at 2019 9:29 PM 2019-12-15T21:29:23-05:00 2019-12-15T21:29:23-05:00 MSgt George Fillgrove 5348311 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m of that era where I remember being a young dumb airman trying to remain composed while being confronted by military protesters at a CONUS airport while en route overseas. I&#39;ve also struggled with this affirmation because I&#39;ve always felt I was just doing my duty -- another in a long line of military men and women from my family who have served our country.<br /><br />I just don&#39;t think the average well-minded citizen truly understand the true sacrifice or motivation and they are just bowing to a popular trend.<br /><br />So, I have learned to respond with: &quot;Thank you, it is an honor to be one of many.&quot; But I tailor that response when it comes from another veteran. Then it is time to remind those men and women they are my brother and sisters in uniform. Sometimes there is a real lesson to be learned from the other individual. Sometimes the result is some lighthearted but respectful service-unique kidding. Response by MSgt George Fillgrove made Dec 16 at 2019 6:13 AM 2019-12-16T06:13:15-05:00 2019-12-16T06:13:15-05:00 SSgt Paul Murray 5350705 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I had the same reaction. I forgot I was wearing my VFW cap and a young man came up to me in Walmart and said Sir..Sir...I thought he was panhandling. He came up to me, held his hand out and said, &quot;Thank you for your service&quot;. Since then, I have heard a reply of, &quot;Thank you for your support.&quot; That sounds pretty good.<br />Vietnam Vet...finally appreciated Response by SSgt Paul Murray made Dec 16 at 2019 6:54 PM 2019-12-16T18:54:21-05:00 2019-12-16T18:54:21-05:00 SSgt Paul Murray 5350978 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Veterans make up less than 10% of the total US adult population, the largest being Gulf War Era consisting of 7.1 million; Vietnam 6.8 million; Korea 1.6 million and WWII 771,000. Those currently serving comprise of around ONLY 0.4 %. This means we are ALL a &quot;Band of Brothers &amp; Sisters&quot;.<br />THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SERVICE! It is not taken lightly. Response by SSgt Paul Murray made Dec 16 at 2019 8:30 PM 2019-12-16T20:30:19-05:00 2019-12-16T20:30:19-05:00 Sgt Jimmy Summer 5360153 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being an AF vet from 1963-1967 and when I returned home from the war, if I worn my uniform any where, I was called, murderer, baby killer, spit on, and had objects thrown at me because I served my country. So to here the nice comments about our service people is refreshing, even though we don’t want to the attention. Response by Sgt Jimmy Summer made Dec 19 at 2019 1:20 PM 2019-12-19T13:20:04-05:00 2019-12-19T13:20:04-05:00 SGT Adam Wolf 5362975 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually say those free SeaWorld tickets I got when after Iraq were thanks enough and then cry softly to myself. Response by SGT Adam Wolf made Dec 20 at 2019 10:23 AM 2019-12-20T10:23:02-05:00 2019-12-20T10:23:02-05:00 SFC James Jones 5369041 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I use a phrase that I saw in a commercial on TV about veterans. I say: Thank You for Your SUPPORT. Response by SFC James Jones made Dec 22 at 2019 10:31 AM 2019-12-22T10:31:42-05:00 2019-12-22T10:31:42-05:00 MSG Frank Kapaun 5371073 <div class="images-v2-count-1"><div class="content-picture image-v2-number-1" id="image-406645"> <div class="social_icons social-buttons-on-image"> <a href='https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service%3Futm_source%3DFacebook%26utm_medium%3Dorganic%26utm_campaign%3DShare%20to%20facebook' target="_blank" class='social-share-button facebook-share-button'><i class="fa fa-facebook-f"></i></a> <a href="https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=A+Veteran%27s+Response+to%3A+%E2%80%9CThank+You+For+Your+Service%E2%80%9D&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallypoint.com%2Fanswers%2Fa-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service&amp;via=RallyPoint" target="_blank" class="social-share-button twitter-custom-share-button"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a> <a href="mailto:?subject=Check this out on RallyPoint!&body=Hi, I thought you would find this interesting:%0D%0AA Veteran&#39;s Response to: “Thank You For Your Service”%0D%0A %0D%0AHere is the link: https://www.rallypoint.com/answers/a-veteran-s-response-to-thank-you-for-your-service" target="_blank" class="social-share-button email-share-button"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></a> </div> <a class="fancybox" rel="8ebf733c6d3bbd449910b90c28b81841" href="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/406/645/for_gallery_v2/d26bef9.jpeg"><img src="https://d1ndsj6b8hkqu9.cloudfront.net/pictures/images/000/406/645/large_v3/d26bef9.jpeg" alt="D26bef9" /></a></div></div> Response by MSG Frank Kapaun made Dec 22 at 2019 11:16 PM 2019-12-22T23:16:22-05:00 2019-12-22T23:16:22-05:00 MAJ Gary Kinslow 5399664 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say &quot;it was my honor&quot; Response by MAJ Gary Kinslow made Jan 1 at 2020 12:16 AM 2020-01-01T00:16:52-05:00 2020-01-01T00:16:52-05:00 MSgt Private RallyPoint Member 5403331 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I respond “thank you” or occasionally I’ll say “Thank you for being an American worth serving.” which usually results in a huge smile from the person. Response by MSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 2 at 2020 12:50 AM 2020-01-02T00:50:28-05:00 2020-01-02T00:50:28-05:00 SSG Private RallyPoint Member 5411183 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say my pleasure and it is right to thank them also. Our society needs &quot;serving&quot; citizens as we&#39;re in rough shape. Response by SSG Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 4 at 2020 7:33 AM 2020-01-04T07:33:43-05:00 2020-01-04T07:33:43-05:00 CPO John Bjorge 5418714 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was spit on at an airport in my home town during Nam. After our actions in Libya in &#39;86 we were welcome home as hero&#39;s. Since then those of us who served always appreciate a thank you. I always say Thank you back. Response by CPO John Bjorge made Jan 6 at 2020 10:49 AM 2020-01-06T10:49:22-05:00 2020-01-06T10:49:22-05:00 SGT Doug Blanchard 5426375 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I have someone, usually a civilian, thank me for my service, I tell the &quot;Glad to have obliged.&quot; I also will thank those I see in stores in uniform for their service with the following, &quot;Thank you for your service from this Cold War Era Veteran&quot;. Some are surprised to be thanked, others say thanks back to me for my service.<br />Remember, each of us that have served, those that are presently serving, all have or are doing so for different reasons.<br />As all that have and those that are presently serving, wrote the same check made payable up to and including our life to the people of this country. No matter what our reason for serving was or is. Response by SGT Doug Blanchard made Jan 8 at 2020 5:52 PM 2020-01-08T17:52:18-05:00 2020-01-08T17:52:18-05:00 SPC David Lowman 5426563 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response is always &quot;Thank you for your support&quot; Response by SPC David Lowman made Jan 8 at 2020 6:55 PM 2020-01-08T18:55:19-05:00 2020-01-08T18:55:19-05:00 Sharon Sullivan 5427925 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My husband who is a Vietnam vet, responds with &quot;thankyou for caring. Response by Sharon Sullivan made Jan 9 at 2020 7:29 AM 2020-01-09T07:29:08-05:00 2020-01-09T07:29:08-05:00 PO2 Michael Rickey 5428337 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I go to publix I always thank all the older service members for there service. It&#39;s enjoyable and I find out where they fought or served . To me it it is part of my American history. Response by PO2 Michael Rickey made Jan 9 at 2020 10:07 AM 2020-01-09T10:07:08-05:00 2020-01-09T10:07:08-05:00 PVT Mark Zehner 5440352 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always thank them for what they did. I include if it wasn&#39;t for others I couldn&#39;t have enlisted to do what I love! Response by PVT Mark Zehner made Jan 13 at 2020 1:56 PM 2020-01-13T13:56:56-05:00 2020-01-13T13:56:56-05:00 Sgt Bob Leonard 5447979 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Jim Wright, the author of the following, is a retired Chief Warrant Officer and freelance writer. This is a portion of his Memorial Day column of 2014. I throw it into the mix because it closely approximates my thoughts on the issue. (And because I&#39;m lazy.)<br /><br /><br />Stonekettle Station<br />(Don&#39;t just embrace the crazy, sidle up next to it and lick its ear.)<br /><br />Thank youfor your service.<br />Veterans hear that a lot nowadays.<br />As a veteran, and as somebody who has a moderately large social media following and internet footprint, I get asked how I feel about that phrase on a fairly regular basis.<br />As a veteran who typically wears one of my various ratty old Navy sweatshirts around, I get thanked for my service daily. Alaskan businesses are big on giving out military discounts, both to active duty military personnel and very often to retirees as well (which is damned unusual and which I sincerely appreciate), and so I often flash my retired military ID at the register or maybe the waitress spots it when I pull out my wallet to pay for a meal, and in addition to the discount I get thanked for my service.<br />Thank you for your service.<br />Some vets enjoy being thanked for their service.<br />Many are ambivalent.<br />Some are irritated or embarrassed or angry at being reminded of things they&#39;d rather forget. And some just plain don&#39;t give a damn.<br />Many are sick of hearing it.<br />And that’s okay. Each of us deals with our service in our own way.<br />Thank you for your service.<br />It often feels hollow, a stock phrase that gets tossed about nowadays, all run together like a sound clip on fast-forward: tankewfoyerserviceandhaveaniceday!<br />Thank you for your service. <br />Me? I don&#39;t mind.<br />I take it in the spirit offered, just like the discount.<br />If it seems sincere, I nod and thank them sincerely in return for their thoughts - and why not?<br />Just like the discount, I don’t expect it, and I surely don’t demand it as my due, but, you know, I’ll take it in humble gratitude if offered.<br />Oh sure, sometimes it&#39;s tendered reflexively out of America&#39;s collective guilt. Guilt at how we treated the previous generation of warriors, the ones that came home from Korea and Vietnam. <br />That’s okay, the guilt.<br />Sincere or not, being reflexively thanked for your service is a damned sight better than being spit on or called a baby killer.<br />And yes, sometimes it’s just a stock phrase, thankewferurservice.<br />And so what?<br />........... <br />Thanks are not required, in America we revere the warrior no more than any other citizen and that is exactly as it should be.<br />But if you find the time today, take a moment and raise a glass to those who have fallen in your name. Do it so that they are not forgotten, if only briefly.<br />And then go on, live your lives, be free, because that’s the best way to honor them.<br /><br />To all of you who have served, the living and the dead, as always, thank you.<br />- Chief Warrant Officer Jim Wright USN(ret)<br /><br /><a target="_blank" href="https://www.stonekettle.com/search?q=thank+you+for+your+service">https://www.stonekettle.com/search?q=thank+you+for+your+service</a> <div class="pta-link-card answers-template-image type-default"> <div class="pta-link-card-picture"> <img src="https://d26horl2n8pviu.cloudfront.net/link_data_pictures/images/000/473/779/qrc/icon18_wrench_allbkg.png?1579158038"> </div> <div class="pta-link-card-content"> <p class="pta-link-card-title"> <a target="blank" href="https://www.stonekettle.com/search?q=thank+you+for+your+service">Stonekettle Station</a> </p> <p class="pta-link-card-description">Don&#39;t just embrace the crazy, sidle up next to it and lick its ear.</p> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> Response by Sgt Bob Leonard made Jan 16 at 2020 2:10 AM 2020-01-16T02:10:16-05:00 2020-01-16T02:10:16-05:00 Cpl Michael Thornton 5449280 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I reply “it was my honor and privilege to serve with other highly patriotic folks. Thank you for the opportunity and the paychecks.” I then offer to shake their hands (if physically present). Response by Cpl Michael Thornton made Jan 16 at 2020 1:02 PM 2020-01-16T13:02:41-05:00 2020-01-16T13:02:41-05:00 SPC Britney Norris 5469605 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Always “Thank you for your support” Response by SPC Britney Norris made Jan 22 at 2020 8:21 AM 2020-01-22T08:21:56-05:00 2020-01-22T08:21:56-05:00 SPC Bryan Gustafson 5484392 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well stated. Response by SPC Bryan Gustafson made Jan 26 at 2020 8:41 AM 2020-01-26T08:41:37-05:00 2020-01-26T08:41:37-05:00 CPL Modesto Macia-Perez 5490363 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say it was an honor and a privilege. Response by CPL Modesto Macia-Perez made Jan 27 at 2020 7:59 PM 2020-01-27T19:59:16-05:00 2020-01-27T19:59:16-05:00 Sgt Frank Staples 5493621 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It&#39;s an interesting situation, for sure. I remember traveling through New Bern, N.C. many years ago and I think I had the Nat. Svc, Good Conduct, and Outstanding unit award...and some young Marine boots treated me like I was a war hero! This was in the late sixties and I actually did get one &quot;thank you&quot; back then. After 9-11 I got a slew of comments because all firemen and first responders were heroes for a while...and I found it somewhat embarrassing because I don&#39;t consider myself to be a hero as a fireman...just volunteering for a job that I absolutely love. I remember one Chief that made the comment in the lobby to Tower 2 that &quot;firemen are going to die today&quot; and they went up anyway. They were the solid heroes and forever changed the way that we look at our First Responders. And now, many years later I still have people that thank me for being a responder but I simply say &quot;you&#39;re welcome&quot; . Response by Sgt Frank Staples made Jan 28 at 2020 6:07 PM 2020-01-28T18:07:56-05:00 2020-01-28T18:07:56-05:00 SPC Cara Alligood 5503880 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I feel where you&#39;re coming from. A lot of my military experience was unpleasant, but it did teach me that there was nothing I absolutely could not do if I wanted to bad enough. Some of those things people didn&#39;t expect, like qualifying on the grenade launcher, but I manages anyway. Joining the military at the time was a way to provide for myself and pay for college without taking on tremendous debt.<br /><br />Being thanked for my service sometimes makes me uncomfortable, especially in the presence of actual combat veterans like my husband. The action during the original Gulf War was over so fast that the reserve unit I was in by that time never actually deployed. We were ready because it was a medical support unit, but we stayed home. Response by SPC Cara Alligood made Jan 31 at 2020 11:40 AM 2020-01-31T11:40:23-05:00 2020-01-31T11:40:23-05:00 SPC Mitch Saret 5508960 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I reply with &quot;Thank you for your support.&quot; Response by SPC Mitch Saret made Feb 1 at 2020 9:27 PM 2020-02-01T21:27:41-05:00 2020-02-01T21:27:41-05:00 SCPO Don Baker 5546362 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I smile and say, &quot;I appreciate that&quot; and go on my way. Response by SCPO Don Baker made Feb 11 at 2020 8:23 AM 2020-02-11T08:23:13-05:00 2020-02-11T08:23:13-05:00 LTC Jason Carter 5550422 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always respond with &#39;thank you for your support.&#39; Response by LTC Jason Carter made Feb 12 at 2020 10:22 AM 2020-02-12T10:22:18-05:00 2020-02-12T10:22:18-05:00 SFC Jim Freshour 5550904 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It always makes me feel a little uncomfortable when people thank me for my service but I respond with &quot;It was my privilege&quot;. Response by SFC Jim Freshour made Feb 12 at 2020 12:46 PM 2020-02-12T12:46:01-05:00 2020-02-12T12:46:01-05:00 PO3 Dennis Workman 5558880 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I too wrestled with how to answer and finally hit on looking them in their eyes and shaking their hand if proffered and say &quot;My honor&quot;! Response by PO3 Dennis Workman made Feb 14 at 2020 11:56 AM 2020-02-14T11:56:50-05:00 2020-02-14T11:56:50-05:00 SPC Kenneth Grant 5562283 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That is the best military service story I have ever read. Every high school senior should read it. Response by SPC Kenneth Grant made Feb 15 at 2020 11:50 AM 2020-02-15T11:50:50-05:00 2020-02-15T11:50:50-05:00 SGT Fernando Villaamil 5584105 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I don&#39;t really like being told that given I was drafted in the Vietnam days - don&#39;t think I deserve it. I didn&#39;t agree with the war and I still cry at the fallen. We were just a band of brothers trying to survive. Some were excellent soldiers and some not so excellent but we did our best. Response by SGT Fernando Villaamil made Feb 21 at 2020 8:42 AM 2020-02-21T08:42:12-05:00 2020-02-21T08:42:12-05:00 SPC Zachary Brombacher 5588419 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you, it was just a job like any other Response by SPC Zachary Brombacher made Feb 22 at 2020 2:00 PM 2020-02-22T14:00:18-05:00 2020-02-22T14:00:18-05:00 PO1 Woody W. 5589076 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Having an extended absence from Rally Point, I&#39;m somewhat behind the power curve with regards to this topic. Allow me to share my own experiences and resolutions.<br />I graduated HS in 1976, and shortly thereafter, departed for the U.S. Navy Boot Camp. My official status at my time of enlistment was &quot;Vietnam Era/Cold War&quot; by a 4 month margin, which entitled me to the Vietnam G.I. Bill at that time. 1980 to 82 I was a drilling Naval Reservist in Western New York state, and then was voluntarily recalled to Active Duty as a Canvasser Recruiter. I was honored and proud be a member of our country&#39;s military, as was treated with respect and honor 99% of the time. I was spit on once by a student, while at a high school in Buffalo, NY. I jacked him up against the lockers telling him spitting on the uniform was the same as burning the US Flag. He apologized.... and consequently, enlisted in the Navy because I jacked him up on the spot &lt;the school principle was worried about getting sued.... the kid never informed his parents, although I did, nor my Chain of command&gt;. Returned to the Fleet in 1985; NSW in 88, Desert Storm/Southern Watch in 93; Bosnia in 95 and retired in 1998. Shortly thereafter, my son joined the Army to be a UH 60 Blackhawk Crew Chief. Fast forward to 9/111/2011, and life as we know it in &quot;the world&quot; changes, as the US sends it&#39;s Military &quot;Down Range&quot; to OEF. Fast forward to 2003; and now more military might goes &quot;Down Range&quot; for OIF, my son, included. <br />In late 2005, I heard about this wack-a-doodle Westboro Baptist Church &lt;from Wichita, KS&gt; protesting OIF Military KIA funerals, proclaiming it was our maker&#39;s response to our country&#39;s acceptance of homosexuality. I immediately learned about, joined and volunteered with the state leadership of the grass roots Organization called the Patriot Guard Riders. Not only did we honor and celebrate our military forces at home, abroad &amp; &quot;Down Range,&quot; we did the same for our nation&#39;s military veterans, L.E.O. and First Responders. Many Vietnam Veterans would join our cause, and many informed me their participation was because they didn&#39;t want any military service man or woman to endure what they did returning to &quot;the World&quot; from Vietnam. They also stated their participation gave them closure on and about their own military service. When I came across active duty / Reserve / Guard military personnel serving, Professional Fire Fighters and Law Enforcement Officers.... I would state, &quot;I Sincerely appreciate your service&quot; and shake their hand or in some cases hug them. I continued to do practice that each and every day. When folks realize or find out I&#39;m a 20+ year combat veteran, and &quot;thank me for my service....&quot; I have one response that I believe fits the bill.....<br /><br />&quot;Thank you for being that American making it easy to serve and worth serving for.&quot; <br /> Still serving..... as a Retired Combat Veteran. Response by PO1 Woody W. made Feb 22 at 2020 5:49 PM 2020-02-22T17:49:58-05:00 2020-02-22T17:49:58-05:00 MAJ Jim Woods 5607920 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It was my pleasure to have served! Response by MAJ Jim Woods made Feb 27 at 2020 9:48 PM 2020-02-27T21:48:21-05:00 2020-02-27T21:48:21-05:00 Cpl Clyde Wason 5639429 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>To me &quot;thank you for your service&quot; from a non veteran always feels lacking in understanding of the commitment to serve in the armed forces. The person making the comment likely is doing so ro allow themselves to feel warm and fuzzy. I also feel the same about &quot;have a nice day&quot;... Response by Cpl Clyde Wason made Mar 7 at 2020 8:17 PM 2020-03-07T20:17:44-05:00 2020-03-07T20:17:44-05:00 CPT Paul Weiss 5642694 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Depending on the situation of course, but I often reply, &quot;For you, no charge!&quot; Response by CPT Paul Weiss made Mar 8 at 2020 9:45 PM 2020-03-08T21:45:00-04:00 2020-03-08T21:45:00-04:00 SSG Sidney Galloway 5650432 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Thank you for your appreciation, sir/ma&#39;am.&quot; Response by SSG Sidney Galloway made Mar 11 at 2020 7:25 AM 2020-03-11T07:25:58-04:00 2020-03-11T07:25:58-04:00 Lt Col Gary Odle 5667735 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just smile and respond, &quot;And thank you for footing the bill. It was an honor to serve and you made it possible.&quot; Most seem to like that. Response by Lt Col Gary Odle made Mar 16 at 2020 12:58 PM 2020-03-16T12:58:36-04:00 2020-03-16T12:58:36-04:00 PO2 Robert Ruffin 5671156 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>One thing that really frustrates me is the person who says, when i&#39;m wearing my VIETNAM VETERAN cap is &quot;oh, were you in Vietnam&quot;? I know they mean well but please use common sense. Response by PO2 Robert Ruffin made Mar 17 at 2020 11:18 AM 2020-03-17T11:18:01-04:00 2020-03-17T11:18:01-04:00 Lt Col Jim Bemis 5677331 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always liked the response, &quot;Never Forget.&quot; Response by Lt Col Jim Bemis made Mar 19 at 2020 7:16 AM 2020-03-19T07:16:32-04:00 2020-03-19T07:16:32-04:00 Sgt Jackie Pilch 5681483 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Once someone &quot;thanks me for my service&quot; it is no longer about me. Now it is about them. My response is: &quot;Thank you very much, I appreciate you saying that.&quot; Response by Sgt Jackie Pilch made Mar 20 at 2020 11:31 AM 2020-03-20T11:31:10-04:00 2020-03-20T11:31:10-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 5690554 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for paying taxes. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Mar 22 at 2020 8:32 PM 2020-03-22T20:32:52-04:00 2020-03-22T20:32:52-04:00 SSgt Lawrence W. Gordon 5697470 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always sayds &quot;folks like you made it worthwhile. Response by SSgt Lawrence W. Gordon made Mar 24 at 2020 1:56 PM 2020-03-24T13:56:56-04:00 2020-03-24T13:56:56-04:00 SSgt Lawrence W. Gordon 5697473 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say; &quot;folks like you made it worthwhile.&quot; Response by SSgt Lawrence W. Gordon made Mar 24 at 2020 1:57 PM 2020-03-24T13:57:35-04:00 2020-03-24T13:57:35-04:00 MSgt Joseph Holness 5719337 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Being a Combat Vet myself that served in OIF, anytime I see somebody with a hat on that denotes they served in WW2, Korea or Viet Nam, I make sure to Thank Them for Their Service as well. Many of these guys &amp; gals never get the Respect or Gratitude they deserve. Response by MSgt Joseph Holness made Mar 30 at 2020 11:42 AM 2020-03-30T11:42:10-04:00 2020-03-30T11:42:10-04:00 SGT Thomas Seward 5791323 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Here’s something from some time back. It’s a compilation of various replies I’ve seen over the years with my personal twist:<br /><br />Please don&#39;t thank me for my service. <br />I performed no service for this country.<br />I defended it.<br />I honored it.<br />I follow the orders of the Officers appointed above me.<br />I led from the front.<br />I made hard calls when I had to.<br />I was bumped and bruised in comparison to others.<br />My sacrifice for this country was only my time.<br />There are men and women that will never be able to read this.<br />I knew exactly what was in MY account when I wrote that check to this country.<br />I didn&#39;t overdraft.<br />I never wrote an expiration date.<br />I miss that life. <br />I hated it.<br />I loved it.<br />I am proud of what my family and I have done.<br />I would do it again without hesitation.<br /><br />I am a Soldier.<br />My mom, who now rests peacefully at the DFW National Cemetery, was a Sailor. My dad, a veteran of Korea, Cuba, and Vietnam is a former Marine!<br />The tradition of protection runs very deep in my blood and the blood before mine.<br />We did not enlist to get free college.<br />We are here to stand against evil.<br />AGAINST ALL ENEMYS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC.<br />We performed no service.<br />We need no thanks for our service.<br /><br />When you see a veteran, if they are older, thank them for keeping you safe.<br />If they are younger, thank them for taking over and protecting you now.<br />If they are a Vietnam Era Veteran, welcome them home, because no one ever did, and better late than never.<br /><br />Understand that many Veterans are not proud of the things they did. They have lost sight of the fact that without what they did, this world would be very different. The cost and weight of the things we did is tremendous but as long as we do not feel abandoned, we will keep going. We will drive on.<br /><br />If you see a person with his or her eyes on the ground, reach out, ask how they are and genuinely want to know. Offer any help you can if they need it. Or even a warm conversation. You don&#39;t have to know them. With the wrong decisions someone might be asking you.<br /><br />If you have any question about what it costs to protect you... go swimming in the ocean of white at Ft Sam, or Arlington national cemetery.<br />If you’re quiet you can hear it.<br />If you’re patient you will feel it or see it.... and maybe, just maybe understand it.<br /><br />You can thank them...<br />For their sacrifice. Response by SGT Thomas Seward made Apr 18 at 2020 10:38 PM 2020-04-18T22:38:13-04:00 2020-04-18T22:38:13-04:00 Sgt Bob Lamb 5831258 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well written. Response by Sgt Bob Lamb made Apr 29 at 2020 6:21 PM 2020-04-29T18:21:04-04:00 2020-04-29T18:21:04-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 5837391 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always respond with “Thank you for your support”. It is an appropriate, heart-felt reply for their adulation. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made May 1 at 2020 8:19 AM 2020-05-01T08:19:23-04:00 2020-05-01T08:19:23-04:00 SP5 Franklin Welfl 5847698 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>At work I was thanked for serving by an Engineer who just graduated College and the Plant Manager. I am not real good with words I just said it was my pleasure to serve. Iam a Firefighter EMT after a Medical Emergency on our unit that day Supervision mentioned it to the plant manager and others who were there from corporate , they were all nice , I t was a team effort with others who responded to the scene. I didn&#39;t know what to say other than We were glad to help... Response by SP5 Franklin Welfl made May 3 at 2020 11:26 PM 2020-05-03T23:26:38-04:00 2020-05-03T23:26:38-04:00 PO3 Fmf 8404 Vietnam Vet 5866509 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very well said Petty Officer Davis. I am so proud of the young men and women who came after I did. You didn&#39;t have to, you volunteered when you had other choices even if you didn&#39;t think so or know about them. I volunteered as well back in 1966 when I found myself in a similar situation as you. My folks had eleven children and I knew they could not afford to put us all through college so I joined the Navy. I spent 2 1/2 years with the Navy, most of that inschool or training and 1 year with the Marine Corps in Vietnam. I didn&#39;t expect anything upon my release from service and I didn&#39;t get anything other than the Montgomery GI Bill for further education and a VA guaranteed home loan both of which I took advantage of after discharge.<br />Today I am glad of one thing and that is that the US civilian population no longer treat the military personnel like pariahs in our own society for answering the call of duty to the Nation we all love.<br />I always tell people that it&#39;s not that we could and they couldn&#39;t, it&#39;s that we did and they didn&#39;t.<br />I always felt that we should be like our ally Israel, all able bodied men and women should be required to give two years of service to the Nation in some form or another for equal pay. Maybe not all in the military but some other organization such as Peace Corps, VA, Job Corps, Doctors Without Borders or something similar. Maybe then we wouldn&#39;t have so many self obsessed, ungrateful brats running around this country feeling so dammed entitled to something for nothing. Just thinking out loud.<br />Doc J Response by PO3 Fmf 8404 Vietnam Vet made May 8 at 2020 5:36 PM 2020-05-08T17:36:28-04:00 2020-05-08T17:36:28-04:00 SSgt Monty Harvey 5868238 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When anyone tells me thank you for serving or thank you for your service, I always tell them you are worth it... they ask me what do you mean, I say.....service members service their country.... we the people... so again, you are worth it. And that&#39;s it. Response by SSgt Monty Harvey made May 9 at 2020 9:20 AM 2020-05-09T09:20:52-04:00 2020-05-09T09:20:52-04:00 CDR Tom Davy 5873847 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How do I feel about &quot;Thank you for your service&quot;?<br />It depends on who says it. From some, I say &quot;you&#39;re welcome&quot; however, when it&#39;s from a non-server between 18 and 40, I offer to take them to the Recruiter. If it&#39;s from a cop or fireman, I remind them they probably face more danger than I did and if an older combat vet, i.e. WWII Viet Nam, I shake their hand and thank them for setting a high bar for me. Response by CDR Tom Davy made May 10 at 2020 9:26 PM 2020-05-10T21:26:03-04:00 2020-05-10T21:26:03-04:00 LCDR Robert Turcic 5898108 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>After retiring 18 months ago as a 29 year Navy Commander (Mustang), I&#39;m certainly proud doing something meaningful in my life in service to others. It was awkward at first to me because it started with a thank you...I&#39;ve responded with, &quot;You welcome and thank you.&quot; What this says is you welcome, because I was being thanked, and then I follow it with thank you because, I am acknowledging them for recognizing me as a veteran. I find it works out well and gives them a 1-2 second pause as they realize what I&#39;ve just said to them. Of course there is no right or wrong, but someone might find that 2 cents might be useful. Response by LCDR Robert Turcic made May 16 at 2020 4:35 PM 2020-05-16T16:35:07-04:00 2020-05-16T16:35:07-04:00 PO1 Donald Vinson 5926603 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>PO3 Celesta (Fox,Parks) Davis, well written. When I hear &quot;Thank you for your service&quot; my response is usually the same. I respond with &quot;You are Welcome and Thank You for your support to our Men and Women in the Armed Forces, I&#39;m sure they too appreciate your support. And then I make sure to tell them to have a nice day because they have made my day. Response by PO1 Donald Vinson made May 23 at 2020 1:36 PM 2020-05-23T13:36:34-04:00 2020-05-23T13:36:34-04:00 1SG James Kelly 5932111 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Do it all again; met my She there, lucky me. Response by 1SG James Kelly made May 25 at 2020 1:28 AM 2020-05-25T01:28:36-04:00 2020-05-25T01:28:36-04:00 Sgt John Curtin 5940461 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say &quot; thank you for supporting us&quot; Response by Sgt John Curtin made May 27 at 2020 12:39 PM 2020-05-27T12:39:48-04:00 2020-05-27T12:39:48-04:00 Sgt David E. Daviston 5949450 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Well put a tear in my eye. Response by Sgt David E. Daviston made May 29 at 2020 7:34 PM 2020-05-29T19:34:12-04:00 2020-05-29T19:34:12-04:00 CPT Don Kemp 5958091 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My story is similar to yours, except for the good grades part. The Army, in its infinite wisdom, promoted me to Staff Sergeant in 4 years, paid for my college degree, and allowed me to see the world in Korea and Germany. I got married in the Army, grew up in the Army, got educated in the Army. My response is always, “It was my privilege to serve.” Response by CPT Don Kemp made Jun 1 at 2020 8:56 AM 2020-06-01T08:56:00-04:00 2020-06-01T08:56:00-04:00 PO1 David Shepardson 5979505 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I simply say, I would do it again, if I could. Response by PO1 David Shepardson made Jun 7 at 2020 10:35 AM 2020-06-07T10:35:18-04:00 2020-06-07T10:35:18-04:00 TSgt Erica Claus-numsali 5985643 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sometimes, I would respond, &quot;Thank you for your support.&quot;, &quot;It was an honor to serve and protect.&quot;, or &quot;Thank you.&quot;. Now, when I want to thank a person in uniform, both civilian and military, I would say, &quot;Thank you for your sacrifice.&quot; because they are sacrificing their lives while being away from their family and friends to protect us and this country. That is just what I do. Response by TSgt Erica Claus-numsali made Jun 9 at 2020 12:36 AM 2020-06-09T00:36:32-04:00 2020-06-09T00:36:32-04:00 Lisa Fiedler 6002295 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This is why I&#39;ve always said thank you for your service: &quot;We gave up our freedom, our option to choose, our chance for a normal life, and, for some of us, our very lives, to protect those very same freedoms for millions of people we did not know, and would never know.&quot; Y&#39;all gave up...so much to serve not knowing what it would be like or what would happen during your service. Thank you for protecting Americans (even in their ungratefulness). Response by Lisa Fiedler made Jun 13 at 2020 3:56 PM 2020-06-13T15:56:24-04:00 2020-06-13T15:56:24-04:00 SSG(P) Danielle Birtha 6008584 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank me for my Service? As a Vietnam Veteran, I was thanked with spit and hate, for obeying the orders of the leaders of the U.S., or face prison for disobeying.<br />Then came the &#39;War on Terror&#39;, that protects the Saudi Kings, who paid Saudi terrorists to attack U.S. on 9/11/2001...<br />Fighting in villages, against an enemy who dresses, looks, acts, and lives directly with the innocent we are there to protect... who attack us with children carrying bombs, with no regard for how many of their own people they kill, blaming U.S. for those killed by their fascism... yes... fascism... hate for those not like you... enforced with death. No... fascism is not just for Jews... google it: Holocaust Timeline... it started in 1933... but, they didn&#39;t start murdering Jews until 1940. Political dissidents, Elderly, Poor, Physically and Mentally disabled, LGBT and abortions by heredity.. over 6 million dead BEFORE they started in on the Jews... look at the present... ALL those people are being killed, BY LAW, right NOW... HERE IN THE U.S.A. ... and we are already over 6 million dead... and they are JUST GETTING STARTED! Cornavirus victims murdered as they lay in artificially induced comas, instead of treating for pneumonia, SO THEY WILL LIVE... yes, people... when your lings get plugged up so they can&#39;t process oxygen... that&#39;s Pneumonia, and VERY TREATABLE... I&#39;ve had Covid, and treated myself for pneumonia... and here I sit, a senior citizen with multiple underlying conditions... alive... because I treated myself, instead of allowing the murderers to murder me.<br />DACA - Open Borders... a legislated invasion, with sanctuary from Article Four, Section 4... &quot;The United States SHALL... Protect each State from Invasion, and domestic violence&quot; ... as they LEAD Invaders into Our Nation, GIFTING them all the &quot;Privileges and Immunities&quot; (Article Four, Section 2), of we the LEGAL CITIZENS of the U.S. ... BY TAKING THEM FROM U.S.!!!<br />--&gt; Affordable Care Act... the failed doctors who can&#39;t get a real job as doctors, now command life and death for we the people, BY LAW, with full authority to kill as they please, unregulated, by denying health care to those not rich... UNREGULATED AUTHORITY TO STEAL AND POCKET OUR FEE TO HAVE ACCESS TO A DOCTOR, BUT NO CARE UNLESS WE PAY OUT OF POCKET, BECAUSE LIFE IS A PRE-EXISTING CONDITION, AND STAYING ALIVE IS AN ELECTIVE CONDITION!!!<br />I can go on, but... the bottom line is: You, AND THEY, swore an oath to protect and defend this Nation from enemies... ALL ENEMIES.<br />read The Constitution of the U.S., and the second clause of the preamble, commonly called the Bill of Rights. ... archives.gov ... WHERE in that Law that Commands our SERVANTS to be loyal to U.S., and ONLY U.S. ... does it allow them to Trade this Nation to an Enemy... in return for poverty, and Campaign Funds in their ILLEGAL superpacs... yes, they say that&#39;s legal... IT IS NOT... IT IS HIGH TREASON.<br />GOOGLE: U.S. Treason Law... it includes Sedition and Insurrection.<br />GOOGLE: U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Law.<br />See that Kshama Sawant, legal immigrant from Taliban Pakistan, is in violation of her immigration status, FOR COMMANDEERING A PORTION OF A MAJOR CITY IN THE U.S.A. ... she is an elected servant, using Taliban Law to dictate fascist hate against OUR LAWS... AND SHOULD BE ON HER WAY BACK TO PAKISTAN, STRIPPED OF HER U.S. CITIZENSHIP FOR SEDITIOUS TREASON... but, like Capital Felon George Floyd, who died because he CHOSE to attack the Police, instead of quietly getting into the police car and accepting that he got caught, and had to serve his time... if his parents had taught him to be an honest citizen, and to do as the police told him to do, as all intelligent U.S. citizens do, so they won&#39;t get killed for resisting arrest, even if they haven&#39;t committed a crime... HE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE.<br />If your life matters... cooperate... and call an attorney... fight INJUSTICE with the LAW... not by being violent and murderous to cops who will kill you... REGARDLESS OF COLOR, for resisting arrest and threatening the lives of the police... most people know better... while black people insist they have the right to rape rob and murder... as if they are above the law because of their color... which is racist... as they call everyone else racist.<br />EVERYONE&#39;S LIFE MATTERS... NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!!!!<br />When you understand these concepts, and why I am not a criminal for swearing to obey the orders of my President, and the Constitution... and YOU have voted all the Traitors that YOU KEEP RE-ELECTING TO SERVE U.S. TO CHINA... OUT OF OFFICE SO THEY CAN BE PROSECUTED FOR THEIR TREASON<br />then... and ONLY then... can you thank me for my service...<br />--&gt; AFTER YOU HAVE STOPPED SPITTING IN MY FACE FOR BEING A GOOD SOLDIER, AND A U.S. PATRIOT...<br />AND THE TRAITORS ARE HANGING FROM GALLOWS AS OUR FOUNDING FATHERS COMMAND &gt;(<br />and then I shall respond: &quot;It is my pleasure to serve to protect OUR Freedom&quot;<br />Until then... your thanks... are empty and meaningless.<br />Fix it... or get on your knees to your enemies, as you get on your knees to the Flag, AND THE REPUBLIC FOR WHICH IT STANDS &gt;(<br /><br />DUTY - HONOR - COUNTRY...<br />I AM A PATRIOT... I SPEAK AGAINST THE TRAITORS... <br />MY LIFE IS FORFEIT AS SOON AS THEY BURN THE CONSTITUTION.<br />and I regret, too, that I have but one life to fight for my freedom... against the willful ignorance of my fellow citizens, and soldiers, who quietly get on their knees and accept slavery to CHINA... BY LAW &gt;(<br />sad Response by SSG(P) Danielle Birtha made Jun 15 at 2020 2:01 PM 2020-06-15T14:01:24-04:00 2020-06-15T14:01:24-04:00 A1C Vinson Nash 6022412 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I generally get that remark when someone is serving me. i.e. VA nurse/doctor/tech, waiter, clerk, cab driver, etc. I return the thank you for service. After all they&#39;re doing the work now, I&#39;m retired.<br />Vins Nash<br />USAF 1958 - 1966 Response by A1C Vinson Nash made Jun 19 at 2020 10:50 AM 2020-06-19T10:50:23-04:00 2020-06-19T10:50:23-04:00 SGT Doug Blanchard 6023916 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I tell them thank you and I was glad to oblige, or thank you and it was my privilege to have done so.<br />Now if I see someone in uniform that is still active duty, I tell them thank you for your service from this cold war era Veteran. I live in a city with a large military presence, a Naval Air Station and Navy Base for ships and a Navy sub base just up the road. <br />You will be surprised when an active duty member realizes what I have said to them. <br />So just take it in stride when someone thanks you for your service, as we have a large number of fellow Veterans that were dissed and put down for their service. Response by SGT Doug Blanchard made Jun 19 at 2020 7:11 PM 2020-06-19T19:11:34-04:00 2020-06-19T19:11:34-04:00 MCPO Geri (Beecy/Morvay) Patton 6028146 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>BZ... well said! Response by MCPO Geri (Beecy/Morvay) Patton made Jun 21 at 2020 7:55 AM 2020-06-21T07:55:39-04:00 2020-06-21T07:55:39-04:00 MSG Bennie McGrew 6041918 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I typically respond with &quot;thank you for your support&quot;. Response by MSG Bennie McGrew made Jun 25 at 2020 11:00 AM 2020-06-25T11:00:18-04:00 2020-06-25T11:00:18-04:00 SSG Eric Blue 6050780 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response: Thanks for your support. Response by SSG Eric Blue made Jun 28 at 2020 1:19 PM 2020-06-28T13:19:05-04:00 2020-06-28T13:19:05-04:00 SFC James Jones 6072851 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I reply with a comment I saw on a TV commercial: Thank You for your support. Response by SFC James Jones made Jul 5 at 2020 9:36 AM 2020-07-05T09:36:31-04:00 2020-07-05T09:36:31-04:00 1LT Jeff Crosby 6076588 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>“Thank you and that I would do it again and again and please don’t forget to thank the policemen and firefighters that risk their lives everyday”. And having lost a leg in Afghanistan as an Infantryman and having a service dog with a Purple Heart tag I get it a lot. I try to say “welcome home” to every vet I see, especially the Vietnam Vets. I did it for chance to fight not the education, but you can’t say that “why are you thanking me for all of the good times and brotherhood I had. The bad was just part of the job”. Response by 1LT Jeff Crosby made Jul 6 at 2020 2:40 PM 2020-07-06T14:40:29-04:00 2020-07-06T14:40:29-04:00 PO2 Justin Marsh 6105649 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks for saying thanks. I was glad to have a good job out of high school. Response by PO2 Justin Marsh made Jul 15 at 2020 9:29 PM 2020-07-15T21:29:39-04:00 2020-07-15T21:29:39-04:00 SPC John Gillich 6115437 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thanks fo sharing you stand on this. Response by SPC John Gillich made Jul 19 at 2020 1:21 AM 2020-07-19T01:21:11-04:00 2020-07-19T01:21:11-04:00 CPO Private RallyPoint Member 6117262 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My respond is ‘ Thank you for your support’ Response by CPO Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 19 at 2020 3:30 PM 2020-07-19T15:30:46-04:00 2020-07-19T15:30:46-04:00 SMSgt Wayne Ince 6123258 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I answer with thank you and I appreciate it! Thank you for your service if it’s another Veteran! When you take the uniform off you keep the pride so receding recognition for service is good! Response by SMSgt Wayne Ince made Jul 21 at 2020 11:28 AM 2020-07-21T11:28:59-04:00 2020-07-21T11:28:59-04:00 PO2 Rich Beskosty 6233073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response to &quot;Thank you for your service&quot;, is &quot;thank you for your support&quot;. It seems fitting Response by PO2 Rich Beskosty made Aug 22 at 2020 11:00 AM 2020-08-22T11:00:35-04:00 2020-08-22T11:00:35-04:00 Pvt SanJuana Méndez 6258620 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thx for this. I think that&#39;s hw I&#39;ll respond from here on out. I&#39;m sure, from what u say here, u served long enuf that there wz no doubt abt ur status when u returned to civilian life but it wzn&#39;t so in my case. <br /><br />I spent 28 yrs feeling like a failure coz, tho I&#39;d hoped to return to duty at later time, my USMC didn&#39;t want me back.<br /><br />I&#39;d been at boot one wk when I had to take emergency leave due to my mom, only surviving parent, hvg been killed in traffic accident. I wz oldest of 7 children raised together, youngest born 6 months after our dad died under similar circumstances. I&#39;d raised 5 of 6 sibs (ages 4-15) for 5 yrs, baby from day she wz brought home from being born at hospital, since my dad&#39;s death, &amp; baby had been critically injured (comatose) in Mom&#39;s fatal accident. Fact baby&#39;s condition started improving as I asked to be allowed to go to her bedside impressed on me that it wz my duty (sense of responsibility I felt as Native American) to &quot;be there&quot; for them as they adjusted to suddenly being orphaned.<br /><br />I asked my recruiter for indefinite leave of absence. Instead of telling me there wz no such thing but that I wz eligible for hardship discharge, he advised that I could benefit them better if I continued serving, he then extended emergency leave.<br /><br />I returned to training my platoon had continued in my absence. Focus declined with every day that I saw sister recruits getting nuz from home while, unknown to me, my uncle (who had deceptively gained custody of sibs) sabotaged my efforts by not allowing sibs to &quot;catch me up&quot; on hw they were getting along. When I failed to catch up with my platoon, I wz sent to nxt incoming platoon, instructed to carry on as tho I wz just beginning boot--raw recruit.<br /><br />When I failed to acclimate to nu situation, I wz told &quot;u&#39;r getting ur way.&quot; Unfortunately, my CO clearly not informed that &quot;my way&quot; included being able to return after my sibs had adjusted to their nu life.<br /><br />Long story short, after 5 yrs of &quot;u&#39;r a veteran&quot;/&quot;u didn&#39;t serve long enuf,&quot; I resigned myself to life of abject failure. I wz a grandmother watching my grandchildren play at park when, 28 yrs after what I&#39;ve come to realize wz wrongful separation, when I spoke with sister Marine who had also (for different circumstance) been wrongfully discharged. It wz then, 21 yrs ago, that I only had to hv served ONE of those 79 days I served to call myself a veteran. Since then, I continue trying to impress upon V.A./DoD that the way they &quot;dismissed&quot; me wz traumatic &amp;, thus, injurious.<br /><br />I nvr cease to be humbled whenever I&#39;m recognized as a veteran or whenever someone thx me for serving. It&#39;s thx to sacrifices made by those who fell &amp; those, like u, who were able to serve their &quot;full tour,&quot; that I cn proudly say &quot; I also served; I, too, am a veteran!&quot; Thx to u, I cn now say &quot;u&#39;r wlcm!&quot; Response by Pvt SanJuana Méndez made Aug 29 at 2020 9:10 PM 2020-08-29T21:10:05-04:00 2020-08-29T21:10:05-04:00 MAJ James Givens 6307458 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>“It was my privilege, but thank you for saying it” Response by MAJ James Givens made Sep 13 at 2020 7:53 PM 2020-09-13T19:53:58-04:00 2020-09-13T19:53:58-04:00 SSgt Private RallyPoint Member 6323093 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This one always works with me. &quot;And thank you for your support.&quot; Response by SSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 18 at 2020 3:43 PM 2020-09-18T15:43:00-04:00 2020-09-18T15:43:00-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 6323368 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say: Thank you for your support. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Sep 18 at 2020 5:45 PM 2020-09-18T17:45:31-04:00 2020-09-18T17:45:31-04:00 SMSgt Lawrence McCarter 6348833 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I respond with thank You for thanking Me. Response by SMSgt Lawrence McCarter made Sep 27 at 2020 1:04 AM 2020-09-27T01:04:33-04:00 2020-09-27T01:04:33-04:00 SGT James Murphy 6349966 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Vet to Vet Thank you for your Service Brother, Sister, Friend. Response by SGT James Murphy made Sep 27 at 2020 12:23 PM 2020-09-27T12:23:33-04:00 2020-09-27T12:23:33-04:00 Sgt Frank Staples 6350494 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No, I really don&#39;t think that it&#39;s said just as a matter of fact...I honestly believe that people say that in earnest and as a vet I still thank our guys and girls. Because I do know what you sacrifice by volunteering to serve your country in the military or as a policeman or firefighter. Response by Sgt Frank Staples made Sep 27 at 2020 3:30 PM 2020-09-27T15:30:57-04:00 2020-09-27T15:30:57-04:00 SMSgt Bob W. 6351851 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>If I have to answer, it is &quot;Thanks for your support&quot;. Normally, I ignore the comment for I find it &quot;hollow&quot; and insincere and usually on Veterans Day. Response by SMSgt Bob W. made Sep 28 at 2020 12:14 AM 2020-09-28T00:14:10-04:00 2020-09-28T00:14:10-04:00 SGT Christiphor Ballestero 6408478 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for your support. It&#39;s always a winner. Response by SGT Christiphor Ballestero made Oct 16 at 2020 1:05 PM 2020-10-16T13:05:31-04:00 2020-10-16T13:05:31-04:00 SrA Raymond Geraghty 6411537 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am a Viet Nam ERA vet, was fortunate to be stationed in Germany for 3 years, but I still knew what is was like back then. This thanking vets is so different. I have a veterans hat I wear and a patch on my leather bike vest. Have had a few meals bought for me over the last 2 years. <br />Most times, when people thank me for my service I say &quot;it was my pleasure &quot;, and mainly because that is the God&#39;s honest truth. Response by SrA Raymond Geraghty made Oct 17 at 2020 1:21 PM 2020-10-17T13:21:15-04:00 2020-10-17T13:21:15-04:00 SPC Ann V. 6411975 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>When I entered the military in 1984 it was in the post-Vietnam era period, women were new to the integrated Army and our local community was averse to having us be seen in uniform out in public. After I got out my husband didn&#39;t want me to talk about my service and my uniform and medals disappeared. When he got out, we moved away from the military community, but in small town PA I saw the &quot;hometown&quot; enthusiasm for Veteran appreciation for the first time. Later, my own son joined the Army and had many people effusively rush up and thank him. <br />I was proud to serve my country. I come from a long family history of military service and my father only had daughters. He was so proud of me! Every Veteran&#39;s Day he would write me an email to thank me. Mom always did consider it &quot;rebellion&quot; until the end. I didn&#39;t realize when I made my commitment just how much of my self I was giving away. But to the end I did not quit my post until properly relieved. <br /><br />I usually just say, &quot;You&#39;re welcome.&quot; and since it is many times another Veteran I say, &quot;and thank you&quot; since they may have also sacrificed much that they are not prepared to discuss in a chance encounter. <br /><br />Funny story: So the band at our middle school always did a musical honor playing the songs. When I stood for the Army song I noticed another school mom stand behind me. I was so happy to find a fellow female Veteran near my age and I turned and said, &quot;Oh you were in the Army?&quot; but no, she just stood up because I did! Response by SPC Ann V. made Oct 17 at 2020 4:19 PM 2020-10-17T16:19:48-04:00 2020-10-17T16:19:48-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 6438811 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Simple... You reply with thank for support. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Oct 26 at 2020 12:07 AM 2020-10-26T00:07:31-04:00 2020-10-26T00:07:31-04:00 PO2 Lawrence Janiec 6453431 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Great read. I have to agree that yeah, most people don&#39;t really know what they are thanking you for and are doing it like &quot;Have a nice day&quot; and is just sort of the polite thing to do. I have met some people, though, that are genuine when they say it. Mostly because they are the people that know what it means to have served.<br /><br />As a side note, when I worked at Disneyland in California, a common farewell that Cast Members would say is, &quot;Have a Magical Day!&quot; But the reality is that a lot of the time if a Disney Cast Member says that to you, it&#39;s Disney speak for &quot;F*** you&quot; (or off or something similar).<br /><br />Mostly, I just say, &quot;Thank you for saying.&quot; I think, though, that I might start going back to &quot;You&#39;re Welcome&quot; but I&#39;ll sing it like that Dwayne guy did in that one movie. You&#39;re welcome. (see what I did there?) Response by PO2 Lawrence Janiec made Oct 30 at 2020 12:15 PM 2020-10-30T12:15:32-04:00 2020-10-30T12:15:32-04:00 SPC Byron Skinner 6464145 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Sp4 Byron Skinner. To old to forget 1966-1967. My response is unprintable even in a military publication. The men we soldiers with, engaged the enemy by their side. The men who were put in human remain pouched. Every time I hear that saying I cringe and imaged flaw in my min that few American will never know. Response by SPC Byron Skinner made Nov 3 at 2020 6:51 AM 2020-11-03T06:51:00-05:00 2020-11-03T06:51:00-05:00 SrA Arnold Costello 6471388 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My favorite response to give so far has been &quot;Thank you for being an American worth defending.&quot;<br />I mean, I&#39;m usually really self-conscious of how my answers will come off, so there were a few times when I used that to try to put pressure on someone else? I&#39;m not 100% sure.<br />The most common response I have tends to be &quot;Best years of my life!&quot; and then try to leave it at that. Response by SrA Arnold Costello made Nov 5 at 2020 2:55 PM 2020-11-05T14:55:25-05:00 2020-11-05T14:55:25-05:00 LCpl William Kelley 6478894 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually respond with it was a privilege ! Response by LCpl William Kelley made Nov 8 at 2020 8:26 AM 2020-11-08T08:26:18-05:00 2020-11-08T08:26:18-05:00 1SG Tony Gifford 6485119 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I simply reply with &quot;Thank you&quot;. It is not necessary for me to determine if they are sincere. I also do not look at it as just a thank you to me but a thank you for all my brothers and sisters that are no longer with us and able to be thanked.<br /><br />There was a time I struggled with being thanked just like many other Veterans have struggled with it but once I started looking at it in th manner I have already discussed it has become much easier. Response by 1SG Tony Gifford made Nov 10 at 2020 8:16 AM 2020-11-10T08:16:18-05:00 2020-11-10T08:16:18-05:00 LTC Philip Winn 6490655 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It’s a privilege to defend the freedoms we enjoy as Americans. Response by LTC Philip Winn made Nov 11 at 2020 8:54 PM 2020-11-11T20:54:54-05:00 2020-11-11T20:54:54-05:00 SGT Randal Dykstra 6513546 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always reply, “It was my privilege.” I was truly honored and blessed to wear the uniform of a United States Army soldier. Response by SGT Randal Dykstra made Nov 19 at 2020 10:07 AM 2020-11-19T10:07:03-05:00 2020-11-19T10:07:03-05:00 1SG Jeffrey Mullett 6549953 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I was in uniform until this last December, on terminal leave, but still on active duty. <br />Whenever I was in a restaurant at lunch or out shopping, I would have the occasion of people coming up and thanking me for my service. At first it was a bit awkward, since I had been in the Army for 14 years by the time the Second Gulf War kicked off. It took me a few tries to come up with the right response, because it is kind of a loaded question. At first I would inquire as to whether they had served before, a lot of the time they had. I would thank them for their service...it was only fitting. <br />More often than not, the appreciative individual was a senior, often retired. &quot;We do it for you.&quot; was one of my responses. <br />After about 2009, fewer and fewer people were saying anything, I had people offer to pay my tab, on occasion. I would refuse, because I made a decent living, but it felt rude to decline. After 2009, I&#39;ve never had a tab offer or many thank yous, which in a weird way was a relief. So, when I got them, it felt good. &quot;You&#39;re welcome&quot; and &quot;I appreciate it&quot; were my normal responses. <br />Since I&#39;ve retired, we have been dealing with COVID, but I still get the occasional thank you, since I wear my Retired Army hat once in a while.<br />One odd note though. <br />When I was in Fort Carson, which has three military facilities, four counting the Air Force Academy, I almost never got a thank you. Almost no stores or businesses offer military discounts...not that I demand them, but it seems strange. Response by 1SG Jeffrey Mullett made Dec 3 at 2020 11:44 PM 2020-12-03T23:44:01-05:00 2020-12-03T23:44:01-05:00 WO1 Mike Dwyer 6557119 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually say, &quot;You&#39;re very welcome.&quot; Sometimes, if we&#39;re not just passing, I&#39;ll add, &quot;I&#39;d do it again, but I&#39;m too fat and too old&quot; which always gets a laugh. Response by WO1 Mike Dwyer made Dec 6 at 2020 3:35 PM 2020-12-06T15:35:57-05:00 2020-12-06T15:35:57-05:00 PO1 Sanford Snyder 6560218 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I Just thank them back for thanking me. After all, I didn&#39;t ask for their response. I did grow up during the Viet Nam era seeing how the public treated our vets. Being Navy brat, I can relate to how our veterans were treated upon their return. So yes, I thank them for their appreciation. Enlisting in &#39;74, I would not have been sent there myself, tho my Father did deploy twice. Response by PO1 Sanford Snyder made Dec 7 at 2020 5:21 PM 2020-12-07T17:21:50-05:00 2020-12-07T17:21:50-05:00 SPC Donn Sinclair 6581212 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Thank you for your support&quot; is my response, then I move on. No need to expand or embellish. Response by SPC Donn Sinclair made Dec 15 at 2020 6:50 AM 2020-12-15T06:50:04-05:00 2020-12-15T06:50:04-05:00 PFC Douglas Stutz 6586513 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>first time it was said to me i was FLOORED! ... but i thought of a very unique way of saying what thought needed to be said &quot;Thank you for making it worth doing over again!&quot; it shows them my appreciation for noticing me. in my eyes it is the most humble response that i could think Response by PFC Douglas Stutz made Dec 17 at 2020 5:40 AM 2020-12-17T05:40:47-05:00 2020-12-17T05:40:47-05:00 Gwen Andress 6590941 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am so very thankful for your Service and the service of your families. What a blessing you are. It is my honor to serve each one of our Veterans here at our school. I am very humbled and grateful! Response by Gwen Andress made Dec 18 at 2020 3:05 PM 2020-12-18T15:05:16-05:00 2020-12-18T15:05:16-05:00 Sgt Mitch Collins 6604615 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Your story is interesting. I remember the first time someone did the TYFYS, I too didn&#39;t know what to say. <br /><br />While I am patriotic and was proud to serve, a more complete answer has a good dose of self-interest. I wanted to go to college, but like you was from a modest background. More importantly, I was not prepared to go to school, my home life was pretty rough and I lost interest in school. So I joined to get the GI Bill, which wouldn&#39;t pay anywhere close to all but would help, and I could grow up some more.<br /><br />It worked. One thing that helped is I met so many people in the military that were, frankly whiny little twits. Complaining about their lot in life, but not doing anything about it. You know, the poor-me victim mentality.<br /><br />I served my four years in the USAF, got out, went to junior college, then UC Berkeley, then on to business school for an MBA. <br /><br />So yes, I &quot;served&quot; my country. It served me back as well and continues to do so. Response by Sgt Mitch Collins made Dec 24 at 2020 6:32 AM 2020-12-24T06:32:42-05:00 2020-12-24T06:32:42-05:00 Cpl Kyle Rollins 6607703 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say:<br /><br />pls don’t thank me, I am lucky. Others are struggling. I beg you to find a way to serve a veteran who is really in need. <br /><br />Code of Vets is a great non-profit that helps the most at risk. <br /><br />Black Rifle coffee hires vets.<br /><br />Two ways you can do more for those who sacrificed more than we can imagine to protect our Constitution.<br /><br />Yes, I have struggled with this topic and my mild PTSD. I’m not ashamed. I’m convinced the casual throwing around of ‘thanks’ isolates our veterans more than the public can imagine and it must be addressed head on, because it feels insincere to those of us returning to a world where the general public is totally disengaged from the reality of the battle to protect our Republic. <br /><br />Just my $.02. Response by Cpl Kyle Rollins made Dec 25 at 2020 1:10 PM 2020-12-25T13:10:39-05:00 2020-12-25T13:10:39-05:00 SGT Philip Klein 6609311 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>“Don’t worry about it. I was compensated. Thank you for paying your taxes.” Response by SGT Philip Klein made Dec 26 at 2020 11:58 AM 2020-12-26T11:58:21-05:00 2020-12-26T11:58:21-05:00 Maj Private RallyPoint Member 6630931 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My standard answer is &quot;Thank you for your support, it was an honor to serve.&quot; Response by Maj Private RallyPoint Member made Jan 4 at 2021 10:11 AM 2021-01-04T10:11:13-05:00 2021-01-04T10:11:13-05:00 SGT Adam Wolf 6631176 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just say thank you back in the most awkward way possible. Response by SGT Adam Wolf made Jan 4 at 2021 11:50 AM 2021-01-04T11:50:37-05:00 2021-01-04T11:50:37-05:00 SGT Ellsworth Moore Jr 6645137 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>As a Viet Nam Vet I respond with thank you Sir or Ma&#39;am. Response by SGT Ellsworth Moore Jr made Jan 9 at 2021 11:06 AM 2021-01-09T11:06:50-05:00 2021-01-09T11:06:50-05:00 LCpl Arthur Granville 6669286 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My first response is: Did you serve? Response by LCpl Arthur Granville made Jan 18 at 2021 3:32 AM 2021-01-18T03:32:54-05:00 2021-01-18T03:32:54-05:00 CPO Jack De Merit 6675658 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I found that the majority of the people where I live in the South Bay Area of Los Angelesusually ignore the fact that I wear a Chief Petty Officers pin on my shirt collar. When I do get a &quot;Thank you for your service,&quot; it is usually from a woman or a very old man. When I get one from a woman I reply, &quot;thank you for noticing.&quot; From old men I reply, &quot;thank for for noticing and thank you for serving as well.&quot; Response by CPO Jack De Merit made Jan 20 at 2021 3:11 AM 2021-01-20T03:11:23-05:00 2021-01-20T03:11:23-05:00 CW4 John Snyder 6676432 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>It was my honor.. Response by CW4 John Snyder made Jan 20 at 2021 10:11 AM 2021-01-20T10:11:29-05:00 2021-01-20T10:11:29-05:00 SGT Scott Whittier 6678751 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Very well said. There have been many times I have thought this. Thank you for putting it in writing. I needed this. Retired Army on this end. &quot;It is ok to look at the mountains but don&#39;t overlook what is right in front of you&quot;! A saying I like. Response by SGT Scott Whittier made Jan 21 at 2021 1:29 AM 2021-01-21T01:29:02-05:00 2021-01-21T01:29:02-05:00 MAJ Pete Dencker 6687722 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I wrote this in response to an article that was published around Memorial day - thought I might have posted this here before - but either way it&#39;s my thoughts on those who want to thank us for our service<br />Great article Leonard. I wanted to comment though on your thought about veterans getting tired of hearing someone say “thank you for your service”.<br />I’m elated that today’s veterans are recognized for their service and don’t have to hide the fact that they’ve served their Country. As you suggest it wasn’t always that way. After spending almost 2 ½ years in Vietnam as an Infantry platoon leader and Infantry company commander, stretching from the Cambodian invasion in 1970 to the battle of An Loc in 1972 I finally arrived home in NY at JFK Airport. As I got off the plane and made my way through the gate I could see my Father who was waiting to pick me up. Just as I reached him a young man came up and spit on my uniform and made some comment about the war. I still remember the look on my Father’s face (he was a WWII vet). Through the years Vietnam service was something that few talked about, it was bad enough having to say you’d been there, even harder to explain that you had been there so long. No one could understand - I had an Academy education, extensive training, and after the first 6 months invaluable experience that I knew would enable me to make the right decisions when lives were on the line – I would be able to get more of these 18 and 19 year old kids home - in one piece - than anyone else that the Army could put in my place. When I finally left I was an old man at the age of 25 – I had spent about 1/12th of my life in SE Asia, I felt about 85. Needless to say Memorial Day for me brings back a flood of memories.<br />It wasn’t until after I moved to Tennessee - I was with my family at one of the local lakes, I can’t remember which – when I returned to my car to move to a legal parking space, I found a note on the windshield. Whoever left the note must have noticed my Purple Heart license plate. The note just said “thank you for your service”. I sat in my car and had a good cry - It was the first time anyone had said that to me. I still have that note, and I still remember the feeling. <br />Leonard – I never get tired of hearing that – and let’s all, never let these young men and women who serve today feel that this Nation isn’t grateful for the sacrifices they’ve made and continue to make.<br />To all of you “young and old” servicemen and women – Thank You For Your Service Response by MAJ Pete Dencker made Jan 24 at 2021 8:36 AM 2021-01-24T08:36:17-05:00 2021-01-24T08:36:17-05:00 SGT Roland Sharpe 6696837 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Regardless of the intent or what is thought, most people are trying to express humility. Just give the best response you can at that time and appreciate it for what it is. Response by SGT Roland Sharpe made Jan 27 at 2021 9:57 AM 2021-01-27T09:57:50-05:00 2021-01-27T09:57:50-05:00 1SG James Kelly 6709337 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Where the hell were you in 65-72; but thanks anyway. Response by 1SG James Kelly made Jan 31 at 2021 5:39 PM 2021-01-31T17:39:27-05:00 2021-01-31T17:39:27-05:00 TSgt Private RallyPoint Member 6748392 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Thank you for your support. <br />And if it is or was from an AAFES person or a Donut Dolly I said and thank you for your service. Response by TSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 15 at 2021 9:34 AM 2021-02-15T09:34:20-05:00 2021-02-15T09:34:20-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 6758691 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually respond with &quot;thank you for your support&quot; and leave it at that. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 18 at 2021 8:00 PM 2021-02-18T20:00:48-05:00 2021-02-18T20:00:48-05:00 Col Vb Vberry 6779024 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I am grateful to have had the opportunity to serve and as a result, my standard response to someone thanking me for my service is to say &quot;Thank you for giving me something to serve for.&quot;<br />While we are serving, we are often aligned in to tightly knit groups and narrowly focused on the execution of our specific mission, objectives, and individual tasks. Translating the camaraderie, allegiance, and commitment felt while actively serving (particularly in times of conflict) to daily life (especially after separation) can be challenging. I choose to see my fellow Americans as my new unit and hence my desire to thank them for giving me something to serve for - both in and out of uniform. Response by Col Vb Vberry made Feb 26 at 2021 2:51 PM 2021-02-26T14:51:53-05:00 2021-02-26T14:51:53-05:00 LT Private RallyPoint Member 6785073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I take the Chick-fil-A approach, “my pleasure.” Response by LT Private RallyPoint Member made Feb 28 at 2021 10:52 PM 2021-02-28T22:52:17-05:00 2021-02-28T22:52:17-05:00 PO3 Paula Fialkoff 6794643 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I like a simple &quot;It is an honor&quot; Response by PO3 Paula Fialkoff made Mar 4 at 2021 12:28 PM 2021-03-04T12:28:29-05:00 2021-03-04T12:28:29-05:00 CAPT Charles Weishar 6817749 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Your comment, Petty Officer Davis, is greatly appreciated — well-written and impressive. Response by CAPT Charles Weishar made Mar 12 at 2021 1:12 PM 2021-03-12T13:12:39-05:00 2021-03-12T13:12:39-05:00 SP5 Cary Smith 6822735 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Embrace it . As a Vietnam Veteran , I experienced complete silence as fellow American Citizens looked right through me as I walked through airports , or in public , in uniform . It was not until the early 1990’s that I began to hear ,”thank you for your service . “ <br />May a lack of recognition to the service of our country never happen again . I appreciate those words , and am proud of my service and yes it was an honor to have served . Response by SP5 Cary Smith made Mar 14 at 2021 1:16 PM 2021-03-14T13:16:38-04:00 2021-03-14T13:16:38-04:00 SCPO Ken Badoian 6836703 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually say &quot;Thank You, and if I have time say more importanty younthank the guys (Boston term of everyone, male or female, serving under a white stone. Usually gets them thinking. I noticed it&#39;s the younger generation, not the Nam era anti everything, that say thank you. This includes mom or dads that send the kids over to thank me. I do not use the white stones with them but might say you serve some day, etc. Response by SCPO Ken Badoian made Mar 19 at 2021 12:53 PM 2021-03-19T12:53:52-04:00 2021-03-19T12:53:52-04:00 Sgt Erle Mutz 6836812 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Let me &#39;begin&#39; by acknowledging the facts: you did serve, and although it may not have been all glamour and glitz, you did the best you could - voluntarily. <br />THANK YOU - for &quot;your service&quot;! <br />When I hear that from someone (mostly total strangers) I simply turn to them, nod my head slightly, and tell them: &quot;Thank you for saying that - I appreciate it&quot;! Most times, it ends there and we go about our way. Once in a &#39;blue moon&#39; someone WILL continue the (short) conversation and I will be polite but try not to let it get UNcomfortablly long. <br />Sgt Erle Mutz Response by Sgt Erle Mutz made Mar 19 at 2021 1:28 PM 2021-03-19T13:28:11-04:00 2021-03-19T13:28:11-04:00 Neal Chamberlain 6875871 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I can only respond as a civilian who happens to have several familly members who served in various capacities. My son spent 4 years active-duty Air Force and discharges to the ANG. When he landed an AGR spot, he rode it out to retirement. My older daughter is currently an officer with the Maryland NG. Two of my uncles spent time in WW II, one Army, one Navy.<br /><br />Out of the four, my son is the only one with whom I have discussed this subject. He has told me he has heard the comment so many times it has become weather-worn. He tends to respond depending on the other person in the conversation. Based on his position, I prefer to engage the veteran/service member in conversation to the extent they or the circumstances allow. I learn a lot from such exchanges. Response by Neal Chamberlain made Apr 3 at 2021 6:12 PM 2021-04-03T18:12:41-04:00 2021-04-03T18:12:41-04:00 TSgt James Warfield 6880532 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>WOW, what very well written post. Thanks for putting into words I never could.<br />I to join the service ( Air Force ) because my parents didn&#39;t have the money to send me to college, I also had average grades. I join way before the internet so didn&#39;t know about a lot of grants or loans. It was also the time when affirmative action was started, so not being a minority, ( did have some Indian ancestry, but it was so far back I didn&#39;t feel right to claim it. Like you I joined the military to get an education. <br /> I not only was able to get an education, however I got to travel to world, learn to appreciate other cultures, and learn about struggles of many other countries. I learn to have a better appreciation for being a US Citizen as I saw so many in other countries dream of having the freedoms ( at the time ) we had. <br /> I have been retired for 30 years now, When I first got out no one every said thank you for your services, it started after 911..... <br />I agree with you I am lost how to respond. However I think to my self, what I would like to answers, is you can thank be by being a good citizen, by voting, by being involved in your community, knowing facts. Thank me by knowing your constitution, and how your government works, don&#39;t give up freedoms that were earn by blood of men and women over the history of our country, because you to lazy to get all the facts and not just what is spoon feed in a few sound bits on the news or political add. <br />However I don&#39;t I thank them for kind remark and just move on, wishing that they would become better educated citizens. Response by TSgt James Warfield made Apr 5 at 2021 9:11 PM 2021-04-05T21:11:24-04:00 2021-04-05T21:11:24-04:00 Sgt Emmanuel Vargas 6902231 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Me and my family members always respond with &quot;Thank you for your support&quot; or for supporting the military. Or it was an honor to serve. Response by Sgt Emmanuel Vargas made Apr 14 at 2021 2:34 PM 2021-04-14T14:34:46-04:00 2021-04-14T14:34:46-04:00 SrA Gina Hotard 6916255 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Yes, we signed up for it. But when I get thanked, I tend to say it was an honor that I would do again with no regrets. Response by SrA Gina Hotard made Apr 20 at 2021 4:26 PM 2021-04-20T16:26:12-04:00 2021-04-20T16:26:12-04:00 SGT Moose Burleson 6916629 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Personally I do not know how to respond. Usually is is awkward silence from me. Response by SGT Moose Burleson made Apr 20 at 2021 7:05 PM 2021-04-20T19:05:42-04:00 2021-04-20T19:05:42-04:00 SPC Chris Ison 6926301 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I hate this crap.<br /><br />My usual response is something like Get bent.<br /><br />I do not like the platitudes. Response by SPC Chris Ison made Apr 24 at 2021 10:53 PM 2021-04-24T22:53:55-04:00 2021-04-24T22:53:55-04:00 A1C Michael Beal 6932517 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>This has been one of those phrases I&#39;ve grown to despise. Not because the individual offering thanks is unknowing or somehow else out of the loop but because I didn&#39;t serve to get thanks; I served because it was the right thing to do. However, I don&#39;t respond with spite or vitriol. I respond much a MSG Taylor does: &quot;It was my honor to serve.&quot; Response by A1C Michael Beal made Apr 27 at 2021 3:06 PM 2021-04-27T15:06:50-04:00 2021-04-27T15:06:50-04:00 SFC Jonathan Adams 6938273 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response is and always has been, &quot;it was my honor and privilege to serve my country&quot;. I feel that most sincerely and fervently. Other than being a Dad, being a soldier was the most important and cherished role I&#39;ve ever had. Response by SFC Jonathan Adams made Apr 29 at 2021 10:04 PM 2021-04-29T22:04:52-04:00 2021-04-29T22:04:52-04:00 A1C Jennifer Israel 6941732 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>That&#39;s the best response is &quot;It was my Honor to Serve&quot; Response by A1C Jennifer Israel made May 1 at 2021 8:21 AM 2021-05-01T08:21:49-04:00 2021-05-01T08:21:49-04:00 Maj John Bell 6942495 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;My life was so much bigger than it would have been, had I not served. Plus I got paid. Nobody owes me a thing. But thank you for the appreciation.&quot; Response by Maj John Bell made May 1 at 2021 2:27 PM 2021-05-01T14:27:14-04:00 2021-05-01T14:27:14-04:00 PO1 Frank Downs 6942716 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I agree, the first time it happened to me I was like ahhhh thank you, people started saying so often I came up with “ it was my honor to serve this nation.<br />Today I look around and ask myself why did I put my life on the line, I see Homeless Veterans, Vets still having problems getting proper treatment and appointments, Vets needing home/vehicle modifications to assist with their missing limbs, our youth are being taught to hate their Country and prefer Communism over Freedom now I hide my service so I don’t have to tell them how I truly feel. Response by PO1 Frank Downs made May 1 at 2021 5:08 PM 2021-05-01T17:08:34-04:00 2021-05-01T17:08:34-04:00 Maj Robert Larkowski 6958585 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>How about something simple like , Thank you for your support! Response by Maj Robert Larkowski made May 7 at 2021 5:24 PM 2021-05-07T17:24:50-04:00 2021-05-07T17:24:50-04:00 1SG James Kelly 6968910 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Wish you had been around 1965 to 1975. Response by 1SG James Kelly made May 11 at 2021 11:45 PM 2021-05-11T23:45:35-04:00 2021-05-11T23:45:35-04:00 CPT Peter Wieland 6980992 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;ve been saying, &quot;It&#39;s been my privilege.&quot; Response by CPT Peter Wieland made May 17 at 2021 9:26 AM 2021-05-17T09:26:37-04:00 2021-05-17T09:26:37-04:00 CPT Peter Wieland 6980993 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;It&#39;s been my privilege.&quot; Response by CPT Peter Wieland made May 17 at 2021 9:27 AM 2021-05-17T09:27:21-04:00 2021-05-17T09:27:21-04:00 Martha Bochenko 7000016 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I hear people say it to my husband all the time. I wish he would lose the hat but that probably won&#39;t happen. To me it does sound like a trite greeting and his sounds also rather blase. Response by Martha Bochenko made May 24 at 2021 6:29 PM 2021-05-24T18:29:09-04:00 2021-05-24T18:29:09-04:00 MSgt Mason Manner 7011817 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I gave up a $12000 a year job in 1974 to join the AF. I had 5 PCS MOVES in 6 years WORKED DRANK BUILT FRIENDSHIPS Response by MSgt Mason Manner made May 29 at 2021 4:37 PM 2021-05-29T16:37:42-04:00 2021-05-29T16:37:42-04:00 MSgt Mason Manner 7011818 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I DID MY FUCKING JOB Response by MSgt Mason Manner made May 29 at 2021 4:38 PM 2021-05-29T16:38:19-04:00 2021-05-29T16:38:19-04:00 MSgt Greg Webster 7032358 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Awesome read! I’ve felt the same way when someone says Thank you for your service. Response by MSgt Greg Webster made Jun 8 at 2021 7:37 AM 2021-06-08T07:37:14-04:00 2021-06-08T07:37:14-04:00 SGT Greg Gold 7071157 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say &#39;and thank you for your support&#39;. Most civilians are supprised to hear it, but I remind them that without the millions of fellow Americans making society function, the military wouldn&#39;t exist. Response by SGT Greg Gold made Jun 26 at 2021 3:17 PM 2021-06-26T15:17:11-04:00 2021-06-26T15:17:11-04:00 SPC Salvatore LaMarca 7080073 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>No matter the reason for it being said I always respond &quot;It was my honor&quot;. Response by SPC Salvatore LaMarca made Jun 30 at 2021 3:57 PM 2021-06-30T15:57:26-04:00 2021-06-30T15:57:26-04:00 LTC Private RallyPoint Member 7080860 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Not sure where I heard it (possibly Rally Point) but I now respond and mean it “It was always worth it”. Response by LTC Private RallyPoint Member made Jun 30 at 2021 10:11 PM 2021-06-30T22:11:54-04:00 2021-06-30T22:11:54-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 7110671 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I alway reply with thank you for your support.... Along with a big smile. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 15 at 2021 6:20 PM 2021-07-15T18:20:50-04:00 2021-07-15T18:20:50-04:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 7110683 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always reply with thank you for your support.... And a nice big smile. Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 15 at 2021 6:24 PM 2021-07-15T18:24:51-04:00 2021-07-15T18:24:51-04:00 CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member 7149521 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Thank you for your support&quot; feels right and also acknowledges the importance of everything that they do for us: from prayers and good vibes, to USO donations, to something as simple but uplifting as a smile and a handshake. Response by CMSgt Private RallyPoint Member made Jul 31 at 2021 11:42 PM 2021-07-31T23:42:51-04:00 2021-07-31T23:42:51-04:00 SGT Erick Holmes 7217875 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually say no no thank you for saying thank you Response by SGT Erick Holmes made Aug 26 at 2021 11:52 AM 2021-08-26T11:52:55-04:00 2021-08-26T11:52:55-04:00 SSG Donald Kuhns 7222053 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;m one of those old soldiers that enlisted before my draft number came up and then stayed in for just shy of 23 years. My typical response is thanks but it was just a job I chose. I&#39;m not sure why but it has always made me uncomfortable to be thanked for the things we were asked to partake in be it the good or bad things. It was just a choice in life. I thing in the last decade or two that people feel they have to be recognized for everything. As for my fellow veterans, I don&#39;t say thank you for your service, I say welcome home brother or sister as it may apply. Response by SSG Donald Kuhns made Aug 27 at 2021 5:45 PM 2021-08-27T17:45:15-04:00 2021-08-27T17:45:15-04:00 Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member 7230541 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>“Thank you for your support!” Response by Lt Col Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 30 at 2021 6:42 PM 2021-08-30T18:42:34-04:00 2021-08-30T18:42:34-04:00 CPT Private RallyPoint Member 7232079 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I say you&#39;re welcome too. Even though it feels awkward, it&#39;s better than thanking someone for thanking me for my service. Plus it&#39;s the response I was raised to say when someone says thank you. And also I say it&#39;s an honor or it&#39;s a privilege, because it is. Response by CPT Private RallyPoint Member made Aug 31 at 2021 9:16 AM 2021-08-31T09:16:50-04:00 2021-08-31T09:16:50-04:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 7698878 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Lady?<br />You&#39;re A Marvel.<br />Thanks For Being There For Us.<br /><br />Your Article Shines With The Pride I Hope We All Have.<br />We&#39;re Proud To Have You With Us.<br />You Make Us Look Better As Well. Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made May 27 at 2022 2:00 PM 2022-05-27T14:00:11-04:00 2022-05-27T14:00:11-04:00 TSgt George Rodriguez 7699027 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>My response is &quot;It was my duty as well as my honor to serve our christian God, my family and my country. I will stand and saute the flag every time it passes but I will kneel before the cross&quot;. I know its long winded. I also let them know that I&#39;m a racist pig and tell them how&quot;I&#39;m a R-epulican A-merican C-hristian I-n S-upporting T-rump with P-ride I-ntegrity and G-uts and proud of it&quot;. Response by TSgt George Rodriguez made May 27 at 2022 4:33 PM 2022-05-27T16:33:15-04:00 2022-05-27T16:33:15-04:00 CPT Peyton Wood 8551406 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You’re welcome, you were worth it! Response by CPT Peyton Wood made Nov 13 at 2023 5:35 PM 2023-11-13T17:35:58-05:00 2023-11-13T17:35:58-05:00 SGT Private RallyPoint Member 8551621 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I just say “absolutely” and proceed with my day Response by SGT Private RallyPoint Member made Nov 13 at 2023 8:58 PM 2023-11-13T20:58:37-05:00 2023-11-13T20:58:37-05:00 AN Ron Wright 8564133 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>i know some who hate it <br /><br />personally i appreciate it and that is what i say &quot;thank you I appreciate that&quot; Response by AN Ron Wright made Nov 24 at 2023 10:22 PM 2023-11-24T22:22:56-05:00 2023-11-24T22:22:56-05:00 A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney 8565611 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>Good Information For ALL Veterans To Know :<br />Sent: 11/25/2023 9:52:08 PM Pacific Standard Time.<br /><br />~~~ I Just Kept Doing Research,~~~<br />~~And This Is What Showed Up ~~<br /><br />Subject: &quot;Is A Military Veteran Entitled To Care And Supplies, Through ANY Va Facility, Regardless Of Where He Resides&quot;?<br />YES, a military veteran can receive medical products from out-of-state VA facilities, even if they are not living there. However, the veteran must be eligible for VA care without needing to enroll or be enrolled in VA health care 1. The eligibility for community care is dependent upon a veteran’s individual health care needs or circumstances 1. In most cases, veterans must receive approval from VA prior to obtaining care from a community provider 1. VA staff members generally make all eligibility determinations 1. Please note that VA is not authorized to ship medications or medical/surgical supply items outside of the U.S. or its territories 2. If you’re a veteran who lives overseas, you remain entitled to the benefits and services you earned through your military service. Most VA benefits are payable regardless of your place of residence or nationality 3. If you’re moving outside the U.S., you’ll need to sign up for the Foreign Medical Program. Through this program, VA will pay for certain needed health care services received in foreign countries to treat a service-connected disability or a disability that’s making a service-connected condition worse 4.<br />I hope this helps! Response by A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney made Nov 26 at 2023 5:54 AM 2023-11-26T05:54:41-05:00 2023-11-26T05:54:41-05:00 SGT Douglas Barnes 8582664 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I usually say thanks for acknowledging. Response by SGT Douglas Barnes made Dec 10 at 2023 3:31 PM 2023-12-10T15:31:16-05:00 2023-12-10T15:31:16-05:00 PVT Ozzie LaFleur 8596906 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;Thank you, it was an honor to serve our country.&quot; Response by PVT Ozzie LaFleur made Dec 21 at 2023 7:34 AM 2023-12-21T07:34:21-05:00 2023-12-21T07:34:21-05:00 SGT Karen Emanuelson 8604109 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I&#39;ll graciously accept the &quot;thank you for your service&quot; comments. Before 9-11, veterans &amp; active duty folks were treated like garbage. Heck--even at the VA they treated us like scumbags, liars, fakes and cheats. Once 9-11 happened, all of a sudden that *outward* hostility &amp; hatred disappeared. I don&#39;t even care if it&#39;s a meaningless response--something automatic like &quot;&quot;hi, how are you today?&quot; or &quot;sorry for your loss&quot;--you know, rote comments. I&#39;m so glad to no longer be treated like vermin, it makes my day to hear those words. Response by SGT Karen Emanuelson made Dec 27 at 2023 8:01 PM 2023-12-27T20:01:41-05:00 2023-12-27T20:01:41-05:00 MAJ Lyle F. Padilla 8608759 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>&quot;You&#39;re very welcome.&quot; If the situation is conducive to further conversation, &quot;I usually add, &quot;It was my pleasure,&quot; and/or &quot;It was a long time ago. I retired from the military in 2003.&quot; Response by MAJ Lyle F. Padilla made Dec 31 at 2023 6:48 PM 2023-12-31T18:48:43-05:00 2023-12-31T18:48:43-05:00 SCPO Kent Beach 8674398 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always respond that it was my honor. Response by SCPO Kent Beach made Feb 23 at 2024 5:34 PM 2024-02-23T17:34:59-05:00 2024-02-23T17:34:59-05:00 SCPO Jeff Campbell 8688712 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I respond with either &quot;Thank you for your support&quot; or &quot;It was an honor&quot; depending on the person doing the thanking or maybe just how I am feeling. Response by SCPO Jeff Campbell made Mar 7 at 2024 10:20 AM 2024-03-07T10:20:58-05:00 2024-03-07T10:20:58-05:00 PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier 8700406 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>You hit it on the head! <br />&quot;Boot&quot; in Orlando brought us together. Then the majority of us went to AT school up the &quot;road&quot;. We were happy for the girls who received their orders while we studied more, mopped, cleaned, paint classrooms till our orders finally arrived. We were able to go into town and go to the mall or party and be &quot;normal&quot; girls. Never thinking what the next chapter would bring us, let alone being thanked for serving. <br />I&#39;m proud I served when I did. When I get the &quot;Thank you for serving&quot;, I smile sheepishly and most times nod my head, then the memories come back and I push the bad ones down and remember the good ones. Response by PO3 Pamala McNall-Granier made Mar 18 at 2024 10:51 AM 2024-03-18T10:51:18-04:00 2024-03-18T10:51:18-04:00 PO2 Brian Rooney 8707735 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I always say Thank You for you&#39;re support Response by PO2 Brian Rooney made Mar 24 at 2024 11:12 PM 2024-03-24T23:12:43-04:00 2024-03-24T23:12:43-04:00 CPO Melvin Miller 8713724 <div class="images-v2-count-0"></div>I use to say thank you but almost immediately after Desert Storm i started saying it was my honor. Response by CPO Melvin Miller made Mar 30 at 2024 6:28 PM 2024-03-30T18:28:44-04:00 2024-03-30T18:28:44-04:00 2016-03-21T14:28:55-04:00